Sorry for the late reply I’ve been bouncing between Conan Exiles and V-Rising lately and I’m having a good time tbh!
The mind control of Anduin felt very forced and was just poor effort of re-creating a short of Lich King theme again, which failed pretty badly tbh. Zovaal was hands down a very lame villain, not badass, not explained well, and it all ended with a villain as legendary as Arthas being talked down by Sylvanas while being turned into 35 anima.
Sylvanas had some interesting moments but I feel like her identity is shaken so badly that I’m pretty confused as to who she actually is now. Does she see herself as the angry Banshee queen, or as the former Ranger General? Sounds like she’s feeling like a bit of both, and the two sides have such a huge antithesis that it’s very hard to unify it all into a single individual.
And there was much wasted potential in regards to both Arthas, and the Night Warrior questline too. That was just brushed off and all focus was like you said just put on Sylvanas.
Honestly whatever they were trying to do with Ven’ari they either dropped it off completely soon after launch, or she was meant to just be a ‘‘Maw survivor’’ and that was all there was too her. All that hype about her mysterious character and origin for nothing basically…
I actually hate the ‘‘Classic WoW’’ releases quite a lot. I can understand Wow classic and TBC classic being well desired, but as someone who played TBC and WOTLK like crazy, it literally serves me no benefit. I’ve already played pretty much everything these expacs had to offer, now it’s time to move on and create content for 2022-23. I’m looking forward to them focusing wholeheartedly in retail, putting in some hard work and giving us a wholesome expac.
And by wholesome I don’t mean just dungeons and raids, those are standard for every expac. I also want to see customization for all races as well as more class / race combos, as it’s races and classes / looks that give that extra flavour.
Well, you do have a point. I do like its leveling a lot as well as some old instances like Scholo farming for dark runes, but I just can’t find enough motivation to do the endgame.
It is mostly about the nostalgia, see, leveling felt much better as your toon was weak and on par with the world.
But I raided and ran dungeons so much in 2021 that now, I don’t feel like repeating it
Well, it was a bit strange, no doubt. We did see Arthas, but makes sense he didn’t have a role. His time has passed, long ago.
I liked the two parts of Sylvanas, and in fact been using it for my own RP.
(Basically, there are two Dunkiees. The belf one is the shiny, bright, happy and good-willed one, and the velf is a sinister, evil schemer, a dark person with obscure motives. Not really used the latter on the forums for a while however.)
Back on Sylv, she submits to the judgment of her adversary. That shows a lot of regret whether she did it willingly or not. Not a bad plot twist at all.
Yeah please. I love when more appearances are added. I started playing again just over a week ago and was delighted to find out the LF Draenei got new appearances.
It’s the little things that do so much for the game.
im happy for Blood elves and dark iron, but this wouldve been a nice thing to get if all races already had their heritage armor and they added more along the way.
but giving Blood elves and dark iron more armor when other races who desperatly needed it (like the Draenei who came out in Burning crusade) is really bad. now Draenei and trolls need to wait another 7-9 months, if they are lucky. and panadren, and night elves and undead.
when it comes to customizations and heritage armor i have to say there is a huge inbalance between races.
Night elf females and Orc males won the lottery, in terms of customizations
Keep in mind they’ve been very quiet about those encrypted quests and even the splash screen still.
Its very possible there are still things we just don’t know. No one has seen the results of those quests.
There very well could still be some customizations there.
Even then its still worth it to keep asking. Keep requesting. Blizzard needs to see that people still want these things, and they don’t deserve the excuse that people just dropped off and no longer care.
The problem is 80% of the Horde are Blood Elves. I think it might even be more than that.
I don’t say that as a good thing - just a fact. So in this instance, at least, these quests are targeting the most players possible. I’m assuming that was the point.
Also I think that there’s something important about Silvermoon and the new expansion that they need to introduce.
The Forsaken questline is still encrypted and so is the splash screen. I’m hoping it’s hiding some more customization options or even an AR, but I think I’ll need to muffle my excitement until we know for sure, as they are quite unpredictable with their plans
I heard it’s roughly half the amount, but yep, it really is the most popular race.
Yep, especially since for a long time, only Belfs could be pallies on horde. That changed with… Legion maybe? Anyways, this should favor a lot of players.
The odds are good for it. Saw countless different elf hunters and this suits most of them.