9.2.5 Void Elf & Blood Elf Customizations Please?

Uhm :point_right: :point_left: so uhh, I know I am a greedy cheeky girl but I really love Void elves and I know VEs and BEs kinda go together when it comes to customization passes so can we have tattoos, scars and jewellery for both please? Also more hairstyles and a hair effect for Void elves? And with the cool Dark Ranger stuff likely upcoming in 9.2.5 for BEs I think itā€™s fair that VEs get stuff too :point_right: :point_left: :pleading_face:

AND OFCOURSE more customization for other races too (duh) but If I try to suggest stuff for others theyā€™ll tell me Iā€™m faking it lol so might as well just be honest from the get-go! xD


All I really need for my void elf is a few more cool short hair styles, and old god eyes like nzoth and azshara have

Other than that Iā€™m pretty set.

Although I wouldnā€™t say no to some void glow options sorta like nightborne has


in all fairness, i think you already got your fair share of added customization optionsā€¦
nightborne have been available since 7.3 and we JUST got a bit more options 5 years later, i think they need to show some more love to other races


Void elves only got options to look like high elves to suit a different fan base. Plus it was only stuff directly ported over from blood elves. (Minus an eye colour)
They got given nothing new or void related.

I agree we got our share, but I wouldnā€™t call it fair.
(Yes I recognise the irony of complaining while rocking orange hair)


we need many more kinds of tauren underwear customisations


I get where you come from and others share this sentiment as well, but you canā€™t argue that we are being very passionate and vocal about it and I think this should be rewarded. You know who else is vocal? The people asking for Troll beards, Human wizard beards, the Blood elves asking for dark ranger looks and several other stuff, orcs wanting eyebrowsā€¦

All these aforementioned races have 1 thing in common. They actually already have lots of customization. But the only ones getting picked at for asking out of all those are Void elf fans, and I think thatā€™s because people are just hurt that a Horde race was copied over to Alliance.


I actually agree with this Moritz. And honestly, although I am a High Elf fan, I wouldā€™ve prefered if the options were a bit more unique instead of copy and paste, as well as Void Options to those who wanted the Void Elf side of things too.


Mom, can we have Individualisation Options in 9.2.5?

We have Individualisation Option in 9.1.5

The Options: Actually good enough imo


This. Kul Tiran, Dark Irons (but also regular) Dwarves, Gnomes are REALLY lacking options.

Elves have got enough.

Between them, they are the leading commanders of more customization.

The only thing missing are true void based void elf features for velfs and runic tattoo features for Blood Elves


Dwarfs are in a really good spot
Dark irons are fine but some more options would not hurt
Gnomes are great as they are and do not need attention right now. Mechagnomes however need a lot more in comparison

Kul tirans, males especially, are in need of a lot of love. They look cool but all the faces are the same basically and they have only a few hair styles and colours.
I love this race but they need so much attention its not even funny


No they arenā€™t. Not a single new beard or mustache was added to their customization, and thatā€™s their most iconic feature. Separating mustache from beard is not a new customization.
Dark Irons donā€™t even have that. Go figure.

They added a couple things to create Wildhammer, but what if you donā€™t want that?
You got almost nothing. Itā€™s not enough.

I was just playing around with them last night
They had lots of options
But maybe for different clans I guess maybe
But they seemed good to me


Void elves just need new hairstyles, new beards, new jewelry (male and female) and tattoos, thatā€™s really the minimum all races should get besides new hair/eye/skin colorsā€¦

I donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t get the full pack in patch 9.1.5 like the other Legion allied races, itā€™s really a mystery. :thinking: :question:

I hope like you that patch 9.2.5 will have new customizations for the void elves but also for other races that need it (BFA allied race)ā€¦ :crossed_fingers:


Obviously you are referring to Night elves, Blood elves and Nightborne. :stuck_out_tongue: I know actual void elf fans would love some more things, and so would blood elf fans who feel they were only given a few things in 9.0.

Nightborne have 95 options in contrast to Void elves who are the bottom of the elf list on customization at just 80 options. But Iā€™d still support lighter skin tones and youthful faces for Nightborne.

But you do also need to recognise that a lot of the nightborne options come down to silly things like what earrings they have and what colours they come in.

As well as runic tattoos that arent even visible.
(Not even kidding. Try to chose what one you want for them. You cant even see them changing)

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Indeed. Theyā€™re more options, but not that significant. Iā€™d totally encourage giving Nightborne lighter and pinker skin tones, as well as more youthful faces.

And like, I get the ā€˜ā€˜elves have enoughā€™ā€™ argument to an extent. But this does not apply to all the elves. Blood elves and Night elves have in all seriousness sooo much customization Iā€™d sell a kidney to have even half of it :stuck_out_tongue: . Nightborne and especially Void elvesā€¦ not so much. Certainly some other races will need to be looked into first though as matter of priority, such as:

Dark Iron

Ps are you us forums at all?

The way I see it is Alliace got really shafted with Allied Races.

Zandalari Trolls - awesome, new hot humanoid form with lots of available classes.

Magā€™har Orcs - great way for old Orc purists to look like almost any clan.

Vulpera - highly requested new race, unique racial and appearance.

Nightborne - basically Night Elves but more city-dwelling and Arcane-themed. Everybody love Suramar.

Highmountain Tauren might feel a little copypasta but I honestly think theyā€™re great.

Then on the Alliance we got fat sailors (instead of Vrykul), emo Elves made up from thin air (instead of High Elves), LF goats (which at the time lacked any cool visual distinction from regular ones beyond looking more yellow and washed out), diaper gnomes (instead of Mimironā€™s cool robotic mechagnomes), and the one cool AR Dark Iron Dwarves, which was still worse than Magā€™har orcs since it omitted Wildhammer Dwarves.

If anything, fixing Void Elves to feel more enticing is the least they could do to even the scores and balance the scales.

That said, I want all races to continue receiving new customisation, and regularly.

But right now, Void Elves definitely need more hairstyles and some new ranger tattoos. After that, the ā€œgreat High Elf compromiseā€ can probably be considered done.

In addition to this, however, fans of the Void-stuff should definitely get some new options as well.


Kul Tiran lacks skin colour, they could have the same amount just like Stormwind humans, even in Kul Tiran death knight lacks 3 unique skin colours though

But they are another version of Humans

And also beards and mustaches are lacking, they could have similar to Stormwind humans

And Kul Tiran could have the same racial: The Human Spirit, because they are cousins from Stormwind/Gilnean humans