Beware of false "Blizzard" whispers

They game may have changed but the scammers are the same as in 2004, feels good to be back.


E-mail, if u not sure, blizzard should send you mail wich would duplicate any important information. Chek it, and chek sender’s adress.

Or just figure out that a Blizzard GM wouldn’t be called “Billzard”.


I wonder what kinda person falls for these scams, even many years ago in ‘real’ vanilla I got those at least once a week, always reported them and never went to their keylogger sites.
But I guess some people must be falling for it or there’d be no reason to keep doing it for 15+ years.

So, maybe this is a part of vanilla and peps just want to give you a “real feel” of how it’s being long time ago? xD

No changes


Just checked out the site, and thankfully Chrome hits you with a huge red screen with a warning sign before it lets you proceed.

It’s the same as most scams. Scattergun approach knowing that a minority will fall for it. Some will be obvious to most, some will be well done and not so much so. Always check via the legit contact means rather than something the ‘person’ is asking you to click on etc.

Some scams can’t be avoided. Got my account stolen back in Vanilla when I had stopped playing and cancelled my subscription.

& that you can whisper him, and i don’t think blizzard plays a mage or a death knight

Hello everyone,

Bear in mind Blizzard’s Game Masters will always have a Blizz tag next to their name. More info on that can be found here.

Also note Game Masters are very unlikely to initiate a conversation unless you have an open ticket.


This phising attempt, as seen on Reddit, was exactly the same, down to a T, with what we got on Private Servers regularly. I am guessin’ the same con artists have moved over to Retail now from Private Servers.

It’s the same people, the very same people who type in broken English. I think I know where they come from.

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That is not entirely true! A GM once initiated a conversation with me to talk about my upcoming account suspension :smiley:

But I think the GM was kind as it was a 1 hour suspension which took place at 1 AM or something, so I was about to go to bed anyway. But nevertheless, the GM contacted me ingame, so it can happen :slight_smile:

But as Sorakleon said, you will see the blue Blizz-Icon next to the name and the GM will never ask you to login anywhere at all. You also should never enter links directly but try to find information by visiting the battlenet website yourself.

You’d be surprised lol. Not the same but my nan got a phone call pretending to be her bank. Was half way through telling them her card details when I pulled the cord out haha.

I got a whisper from Biizzard some time ago :wink: that was quite biizzare :wink:

If you get hacked by going to a website just because someone has a weird name that isnt even “Blizzard”, then you deserve it.
Its 2019… are people really still that stupid these days ? Nevermind, taking a look at peta, trump etc… yes, people in 2019 are stupid.

People who fall for this ancient scam, deserves it.

Dont be shy, were mostly harmless

That’s right. Mostly.

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