Anyone rerolling same class to avoid respec costs?

Just started leveling another warlock so I can have one fully PVE specced and the other one PVP ready to melt faces when the time comes. Who is in the same boat?


SM/Ruin is extremely good both at pve and pvp. You dont need a second warlock. I would say go for it if you played priest, cause Shadow is very good for pvp… so have 1 healer and 1 for pvp…

Oh man dont put this in my head… I already have 2 60’s will take forever to make 2 more.

Dude you can easily farm 80g+/h soloing dme. Why would respec costs ever be an issue? In the time it takes you to lvl an alt, you could have made at least 8k gold


Not there yet, but I did that in TBC/WotLK.

Sounds pretty stupid, personally i would like to use my bwl/aq gear in pvp and not pvp on some blue geared alt


You absolute madlad.


Try farming 80g/h on PROT WARRIOR


Dire maul east 2 man jump runs

thats not solo farm is it ?? All my mates rolled hunters warlocks and mages they solo farm… What I gonna take holy priest ??

This just seems really extreme to me and quite boring tbh. But each to their own I guess.

Yeah, but if Im not wrong respec caps at 50g so you are looking at 100g everytime you swap back and forth. Do that several times per week and it starts to add up. Then add raiding costs… The other hidden reason is that this time I rolled orc and im starting to miss not being an undead.

you know, if you spent the time farming lvl 55+ mobs instead of lvling a new toon all the way to 60 you would have enough gold to respec twice a week for a full year. just sayin, if however you would like to go for instance herbalism/mining on one and engineering/alchemy on your pvp version that would not be such a bad idea, though rolling another class for the gatherer would be a good idea just to get a bit of variation.

ps, just to get ahead of anyone saying you shouldnt be both herbalist and miner at the same time due to find minerals/herbs then just get the gatherer addon and run the zone a few times til u get all the mining nodes then switch to herbalism full time and just run past the mining nodes with herb on, quite visible.

Let’s see: leveling your second character will take you at least 6d /played, that’s 144h

Instead, those hours could have been spent farming gold, say at 50g/h (probably higher for a warlock), resulting in 7200g.

That could fund you 2x respec a week (100g) during 72 weeks, which is more than a year.
And that’s not even accounting the time spent gearing your pvp toon and the fact that pve spec won’t be required for raid tiers on farm/easier one

Nah, not worth it imo.

Our tanks farm jump runs too. They’re fury/prot so their damage is good.

you can easily do 1-60 in under 4days played if you know what you are doing

Raid costs dont actually exist right now. Stuff in MC drops dead as soon as you even look at it, and grinding down bosses is actually quite profitable.
I think BWL and onwards will deliver more of the same undertuned crap, leaving one to think: why even spec PVE anyway? Just go raid in your PVP spec, spam some buttons, and it will be overdmg anyway.

I literally cbf to play right now because MC is total faceroll and I wasn’t expecting to be able to walk in day of hitting 60 in the first 10 days of launch and down 4 bosses with 58s+ in greens. I really genuinely hope BWL/AQ onwards provide some form of challenge otherwise i’ll end up just going pure pvp when P3 comes out.

why would u do it several times a week? just respec for raid then after raid u go pvp again.

Yeah, I have two Mages now, one 60 and this soon ™.

I cba re-specing for PvP and PvE all the time when BGs come out.