What Covenat will your main take ?

Is clear that Alliance or Horde doesn’t really matter in the Shadowlands.
Covenants will be the “factions” . Cant wait for this !! ( maybe even some pvp …

So what would it be your main / first choice ? I’m kinda torn between Venthyr and Necrolord .

Bastion - Kyrian Covenant

  • order and power
  • souls here share burdens and seek virtue
  • Uther is here

Maldraxxus - Necrolord Covenant

  • heart of the shadow-land military might
  • survival of the fittests , and not strictly evil
  • Draka is here so far

Ardenweald - Night Fae Covenant

  • enchanted mystical forest
  • emeralds dreams dark mirror
  • place of rest and rebirth
  • Cenarius is here

Revendreth - Venthyr Covenant

  • a land of Gothic spires and dark secrets
  • prideful souls atoning for their sins
  • Kael’thas is here !!!

wowhead link below


feels so out of place …
Kel’Thuzad would’ve made much more since but I guess he was too evil and went to the Maw

I will chose my Covenant depindant on what character and Class I play for the new expansion
if its obviates like paladin or druid then the choice is easy but something like a Rogue it will be what race he is

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As the great Asmongold said, the one that sims the highest!


They are the “unbent” of the wow. So Draka is actually a good choise as first tbh.

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can be
I just read " Necrolord Covenant" and my mind goes to the cult of the damned

TBH they have a lot of RpG in this things

someone did their homework back at blizzard.

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The one that is the biggest dps increase for my class


Most likely Kyrian or Fae.

Always liked the Valkyries as entities since WotLK.

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Revendreth as it just looks awesome


Cant say for sure, but maybe the night fae one, or bastion. Will have to see more before deciding :slight_smile:

Revendreth for sure. My prince Kael’thas, who did nothing wrong btw, is there so I need to follow him.


Seeing that my main is a druid :slight_smile: seems te right way to go


As a paladin I really like Kyrian covenant. It really suits paladin fantasy.

As a dk alt I would probably choose Venthyr. These vampires look awesome

As a rogue alt-necrolord. Dark fantasy, poison and so on.

As a druid alt-Night fae. Its all about the mother nature and harmony.

Tbh, 4 plate armor sets shoown in trailer are each 1000 times better than any crap from BFA now. Well done, art team! There is a HOPE now :slightly_smiling_face:

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Good choice, not only for visuals but because their ability seems insane right now. Here it is: “Divine Toll : Instantly cast Holy Shock, Avenger’s Shield or Judgment on all valid targets within 30 yds (based on your current specialization)”

I dunno, a night fae dk sounds amusing enough to do

For whom the bell tolls? :thinking:

I’ll get my coat, ok, ok.

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Well, as in most things, whatever covenant gives the most useful/powerful abilities.

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Anything that looks pretty. So the foresty/night elfy looking place and the “good Val’kyr” place.

The Venthyr and Kyrian are likely the first I’ll be checking out. I’ll have to check them out in person to make my final decision though!


Not really, considering he isn’t dead. We never found his phylactery during WotLK.

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