Same here, I can try be of some assistance when I pop onto my Blood Elf.
Unfortunately, Shar’s not got much reason to visit Quel’thalas on anything less than a permanent basis. Maybe I could work my Belfadin into this though, hrm…
When I say close to the High Kingdom I mean one of the nearby regions, not close to Silvermoon City or anywhere inside the Kingdom!
I’m interested. My character has written a small book regarding the void and specially mindwarding. She’s still working on it as we speak. (it’s on argent archives under /node/210945)
Would be happy to be a part of this.
Nisalle, the book looks lovely I’m just reading through it now!
Also Salrathin, it goes without saying but let me know if you need any help
I really want to see this done and make it a big success. It is a great opportunity for new and old Belf and even velf RPers.
Sounds perfect Nisalle!
Really appreciate the support shown for the concept by all of you. Going to get a few things sorted in the coming days then come back with a proposed date! Thanks again!
Sounds Like A Bad Idea.
I beg your pardon?!?
That’s a lot of alts, the like system is well and truly broken Blizz.
P.S. Aeola, I wouldn’t feed it if I was you.
Anyway, let’s keep to the topic at hand! (Please, thanks!)
Where’s the lie though lmao
I am sorry we are not to your standards Zarental.
Anyway, once again, let’s stick to the topic please!
-Hello? Thallasian inqisition? Yes, I have heard about the gathering that those void heretics are planning. What? Yes… Yes of course I can join the purge!
But anyway. Sounds like an iteresting idea, maybe I’ll think about joining myself. Though my Elf is not a sympathizer of Ren’dorei scum.
is there really a good way to rp? find out next episode of argent dawn elitism
good luck with this, sounds cool as all hell
Oh this sounds fantastic! I’d love to attend on this velf here, possibly as an operative or instructor, although really she’s probably not smart enough for the latter.
Can’t wait to see if it becomes a thing!
I have been reaching out to a few tonight both IC and OOC, if you would like for me to contact you directly to discuss potential scenes leading up to the event or other matters then just let me know either here or in game.
If you would rather just turn up on the day then that is perfectly fine too.
let he without sin cast the first stone
let he without sin cast the first stone
Very true. I never roleplayed a void elf and never will.
Ooh, maybe I’m too low lvl but it sounds like a wondrous idea
Looks very interesting! I will be sure to keep an eye on this thread.
@Cinidri I think my Rogue Silviraya would like to meet you once more =)