[9th Dec] Clandestine Gathering – Void Elves & Blood Elves

Hello all,

I come to the forums with a different kind of gathering in mind, one that has a lot more risk to it than your typical meet up.

The premise:

Void Elven operatives are tasked with a mission to establish a small, temporary, base in a safe and remote location not far from the High Kingdom. A contact, a Blood Elven sympathizer, spreads word through the underground that a gathering between their former kin is to be held. One, were they can be reunited once more, if only briefly.

This event is open to Void Elf RPers with a number of roles on offer:

  • Operatives - Having established the base, these Elves will act as sentries. Their blades will be at the ready should things turn sour.

  • Instructors - Experts of the Void, they will offer greater knowledge to any Blood Elf allies who seek out the gathering.

  • Others - Your character can simply be one who seeks contact with a relative they thought lost, or a friend, there are many potential reasons for your character to join.

Reasons for Blood Elven attendance:

  • As seen in game, there are Blood Elves who were not caught up with Umbric that have a shared interest in studying the Void. They might hear word of this temporary haven and so seek it out to further their knowledge.

  • Relatives of a Void Elf who remain as a Blood Elf can be reunited. This is if the love remains after the hand fate played.

  • Those who have become disillusioned with the Horde’s leadership or simply the Horde in general, especially those who are already plotting against it, can seek out the Void Elves and provide them with information. In turn, they could receive potential support in whatever plot they have in mind.

Risks involved:

  • Void Elven operatives are vigilant, and will make sure the meeting is dispersed if attacked by a larger force.

  • Blood Elven spies may well hear about this meeting and are welcome to attend as long as they are aware that any slip-up could cost them greatly.
    (OOC: if you want to learn potentially life-ending information as a spy, the best way to do it is to communicate with your target and not force anything upon them!)

  • Infiltration risks are known to Blood Elves who are friendly, and so wearing items to conceal their identity might be advisable.

  • The location will only be used once; last a matter of hours and then never be used again. After a few weeks a new location will be rumoured.

Date: 9th Dec
Time: 20:00 Realm Time

Hopefully I have addressed any initial concerns people might have had and I hope it has sparked interest in people too! With all that said, thank you for reading and I welcome any constructive comments.


I like the idea. Will come for it, when you make such an event!


It’s treason, then.

[ignites holy sword]


I am intrigued, will have to bring my fellow compatriots. I am very sure they will be interested. :slight_smile:

Edit: If you could try contact me or any highblood online, I would greatly appreciate that.


I’m interested! I’m going have to do some thinking and scheming about how to infiltrate successfully and how to hear about etc., but I am interested overall.


We prefer to think of it as extending a t̶e̶n̶t̶a̶c̶l̶e̶ hand in the name of progress!


I must consider this forum post an act of treason. :blonde_man::crossed_swords:

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Rather interesting idea would be cool to see how things turn out RP-wise. Heck, this might even be a good way for former friends and family to meet each other again.


I am intrigued, but PRETTY sure there will be plenty who will try to tip this into nothing but a big fight. Time to start thinking about how sound my character would consider this IC- though I might snoop OOC regardless~

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Eh sure, why not. Got a Void Elf gal floating around so might show up to see how it will go.

Definitely interested in showing up, if only for Halfdian’s own aims.

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I love this idea.

I think plenty of people would turn up for it for a variety of different reasons (both in favour and covert spying for it).


@Aeola I will get round to contacting you or someone in your guild soon! Thanks!

@Tahadras I can contact you as well and perhaps we can work out a way!

@Morrowburn my hope is people will respect the event for what it is and not change it into something it is not. There are plenty of RP-PVP events to be had but not a lot for which infiltration and stealth can play the most important role. If people want to create a skirmish of sorts then it would be best to contact on an OOC level first, that way those who are interested can play a part in that but it doesn’t have to be forced upon those who are only interested in the event itself.

Happy to contact anyone else who is interested in discussing their character’s involvement in this potential event! And thank you all for sharing your thoughts.


Can people attend as an individual?

Certainly! No need to be part of a guild or group. Both are fine though.

That’s just excellent!


Oh, wonderful, I wholeheartedly agree. Of course some people enjoy the more tense attacks and whatnot, but I’d personally rather avoid them myself, on an OOC level. However, I would love for my character to have something of a role in the affair if you need some hands, given that I roleplay her as a very mild emissary.

So if you’d be interested in contacting her IC, a letter would do lovely- if not, I’ll likely just come by on a more loose level!


@Morrowburn I’ll be in contact at some point this week!

Hey Sal,

If I can help in any way, just let me know.

Otherwise, depending when it is, etc, I’d definitely be up for being involved in this.


Likewise, ask if you need assistance; I am willing.