[A³] Draenei RP - Order of Oronaar 🙏

Order of Oronaar

Naming themselves the ‘Disciples of the Luminous Order of the Miracle at Oronaar,’ this ancient Order traces its origins back to the days of Old Argus—where a wondrous miracle transpired in the village of Oronaar. The nature of this miracle remains shrouded in mystery, known only to the surviving elders of the disciples.

The Order now seeks a new generation of disciples to stand vast against the forces of darkness that threatens the sanctity, safety of their people and oppose the will of the Holy Naaru.


The Order of Oronaar is a Draenei-only guild within the A³ initiative on Argent Dawn! We work closely with other Alliance members and guilds to combat the darkness threatening our world and safeguard the Draenei people.

Led by the Venerable Praetor Hartuum, the Order journeys across Azeroth and beyond. Fending off any danger they encounter, the Order of Oronaar shines as the beacon of Light the Alliance needs in these troubled times.

We offer our members nightly roleplay, including RP-PvP adventures, NPC-driven events, and relaxing social RP. Our headquarters are on the Azuremyst Isles, though we are often seen in Stormwind, particularly around the Embassy or Cathedral area and across other regions of Azeroth.

Member’s of almost all walks of life within Draenei society are welcomed, though they should have a vested interest in the safety and prosperity of the Draenei people, preserving their culture and strengthening their position on Azeroth.


Recruitment is done entirely in-character. Draenei may have heard of the Order through rumours across Alliance lands. Seek us out if you wish to join. You are more than welcome to whisper anyone online for information.

OOC Info


We adhere to 3 simple rules:

  • No ERPing.
  • No OOCing in spatial channels. (/s, /e or /y)
  • Keeping IC IC and OOC OOC.

An initiate is a fresh member, just recruited. This rank is granted to them upon joining the Order.

OOC: Recently joined members!

An Acolyte is a recent addition to the order, yet to prove - or in the process of proving themselves a devoted member.

OOC: Granted when the member has undergone the Induction ceremony.

Fully fledged members of the order. They have taken the induction rite and the Trial of the Disciple.

OOC: The flesh and blood of the guild. Active members who are devoted to the Order of Oronaar!

A Vigilant is an ambitious member of the order, assigned with some further responsibilities.

OOC: Active and ambitious members, rewarded with some authority amongst their fellow peers. Assists the Crystalbearer’s with the induction ceremonies.

The Crystalbearer acts as counsel to the Praetor, helping to guide the order as his second in command.

OOC: Exemplar rank. The Crystalbearer is responsible for setting up Disciple promotion trials. They will also aid the Praetor to create content for the guild.

The Praetor leads the order. In the absence of the Mystagogue, their command is final.

OOC: The guild leader. It is the Praetor’s responsibility to create events for the guild and very much act as the representative of it.

Reinventor of Argus’ ancient Order of Oronaar. A distant, never seen figure.

OOC: Legacy role. Has no active status within the guild, currently.

  • Draenei*

  • Lightforged Draenei

  • Broken

  • Man’ari will be rejected. No exceptions.

  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Priest
  • Paladin
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warrior
  • Death Knight*

*Only with exceptions, expect to be treated as a dispensable tool IC when joining as a Death knight.

Warlock’s need not apply.


Very good Draenei guild with lots of based gamers.


BOOMTEC and the Order have had a very interesting relationship over the years. Sometimes we’re proving our mechs are better (and cheaper) than their warframes, sometimes we’re stealing their core to improve our totally superior mechs and sometimes we all go deep sea diving and bond over almost drowning together. Either way, a great guild who represent the Draenei people very well! Don’t worry, now we’re neutral we can sell you a mech!


Really cool guild. I promise I’m not biased :slight_smile:


Best Draenei guild around! Always fun to RP with :smiley:


Might as well remove the PCU tag given the whole split between those playing on the NWN custom server and folk that still play WoW such as yourselves.

Unless the acronym is still being kept?

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The acronym is still relevant.

Praetor Hartuum has a quest for you!


Brilliant bunch of people. Came to AD a few years back looking for Draenei RP, and have not been disappointed.
We always take a RP break fridays and saturdays, but come by any other day for our daily RP sessions in the evenings!


I need you to slay five giant rats that have infested my basement and eaten my cheese.

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*Phaidros’ cheese.


I’m Crystalbearer Pervaal, and this is my favorite guild on the Citadel.

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The Luminous Order is currently hot on the trail of an insidious cult.

Having tracked them down to the distant kingdom of Gilneas, the Order spend an evening in a distant manor, solving puzzles and riddles, but all was not as it seemed, as the night drew to a close, it became apparent that it was all an illusion.

With little progress made, the Order now has to choose what to do next.

What will they do? Join the Order and find out!


thank you for the bump. I was off kayaking and missed it

Are you a Draenei that hates Man’ari? Are you looking for a guild? Then join the Order of Oronaar!

Oh absolutely, can’t stand them.

Drops the fake moustache by accident.


Not just the man’ari, but the woman’ari and children’ari too.


No redemption for the wicked.

How do you do, fellow none-corrupted ereda-ahem, Draenei? is wearing fake bushy beard and glasses

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The Luminous Order has just returned from a place farther away than any vessel would reach, to free one of their own from the clutches of a wicked foe.

For now, the Draenei recuperate in the familiar hearth of the Exodar.


Welcome back Porenthos!