[A³-RP] Sunnyglade Ratters, Alliance Free Company 🐀

Rat snakes. Years ago, humans introduced these reptiles into Duskwood to cull the local rat population.

Half now, half when we’re done. We’ve never gone back on a done deal. Once we’ve shaken hands here - well, these vermin of yours won’t trouble you any longer.

I’d never even been to Sunnyglade. Some town done in by the orcs way back then - what’s it matter?

Enough faffing around. We’re on the job. You can save your good cheer for when we’ve collected. Saltzwald expects us to conduct ourselves proper.

The Saltzwald Estate pulled the rug over the Company, eh? Whatever happened?

The 1st Sunnyglade Free Company - known more popularly as the Sunnyglade Ratters - was alledgedly formed from the heroic survivors of Sunnyglade’s destruction at the hands of the orcish Horde and since has dedicated itself to building a reputation of keen professionalism and never going back on a contract.

The truth, of course, is far murkier - the work they have taken on and completed without fail has lead to them being compared to Duskwood’s rat snakes - poisonous creatures you employ to deal with a problem that may come to trouble you in turn. Their connection to Sunnyglade and the legend of their founding appears to be a fabrication, too - there are no records in the Kingdom of Stormwind of their organisation until past the Cataclysm, and some whisper that despite ostensibly being led by their Captains, their founder and ex-paymaster is a disgraced scion of one of Sunnyglade’s great families - fallen from favour when the corruption of the House of Nobles was put to a swift end by King Varian’s return.

If they have any agenda beyond building a reputation and cutting a tidy profit among the ashes of the Fourth War is anyone’s guess - but it is said they’ve been quiet for years following the armistice and the Dragonscale Expedition’s voyage into the Dragon Isles. The dormancy of the company caused the Saltzwald Estate to pull their funding off the Free Company, leaving them coinless and without any contacts to consult with upon their return.

Some say that this caused them to take even the worse contracts available just to break even, with the new recruits that would hardly be considered anywhere near the line, let alone on top of it.

Hey folks,

The Sunnyglade Ratters - or the 1st Sunnyglade Free Company as they’d rather be known - is our take on the time-tested gritty and slow-burn fantasy mercenary group. There’s no uniform beyond the brawler’s tabard (while under Alliance Command’s employ) or the guild tabard.

We’ve been around for a good time now, and we’re finally returning after an extensive break, resuming on the usual good stuff that you’d expect - Casual RP, DM’d events, conflicts and RP PVP campaigns and more.

We’ll be recruiting all kinds of Alliance races with the majority preferably remaining human, as long as you can fit the concept without disturbing the theme and the power levels of the guild. We’re a mercenary company getting down in the dirt without shying away from any seedy business or contract in the pursuit of coin, so characters with unquestionably high morals need not apply. We also do not accept hero classes and races such as Demon Hunters, Death Knights or Dracthyr/Evokers.

If you’re interested in the concept, you can reach out to Jideon / Ceralie / Gentleman


Congrats on making a new thread. I think it’s a good opportunity for you to leave A3 or whatever you call this old commune now and stirke out on your own. You made a good step with rebranding, but completely cutting ties of bad people with bad rp will be a step up! It’ll make your guild better and easier to integrate with the community, I promise.


Hi! Not really planning on it. Thanks for the suggestion, though.


Best of luck! Glad to see the A³ going strong and still counting some of the better guild concepts among its ranks.


No worries! I’m sure you’ll change your mind or one of your officers will see there’s bigger value to leave the past behind and reform the guild without the baggage. Best of luck!

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Yes, this will happen.


You’re the only one bringing their baggage in here lmao.

Anyways, good to see the Sunnyglade Ratters return! Always liked the concept!

Hope to see you guys thrive! :slight_smile:


Do not speak of baggage unless you’ve got baggage full of coin.

No seriously I’ve seen them around Boralus once or twice, I think they might low-key be up to some shady dealings…


Changing the name doesn’t mean a change of habits! :slight_smile: Clinging to the same group and having buddies from the same commune back you up on forums means other bad habits are still there. Still, best of luck and hope you will manage to strike out on your own as a proper guild, not part of the bad web. Lots of us will keep an eye on you and your friends, hope you’ll act nicely and we can meet and rp!!

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Lol. Lmao.

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Best to just ignore trolls like that since they speak for no one but themselves.

These guys are great though! Always a joy to run into them the few times we do for some good ole’ mercenary rivalry. (We’re still better than you)


and here is the yapper


Solid guild. Had a great time running into them in Stromgarde.


Well written and most interesting, this would fit one of my characters truth to be told.
Perhaps some future business :smile:


Is the contact names, in game character names I can send mail to?
Forgot to ask




The Ratters have returned to Stromgarde after a jolly trip to Redridge for the tournament and a trek across Kalimdor grounds starting from the Un’goro Crater that would take them to Silithus providing escort for a contracting mage that ended up with a LOT of bugs coming from the walls. Light knows what’s in store next for those crooks.


But how jolly was the trip really? Were there funny songs?

Planning on a cabaret after all the hacking and slashing’s done.


Blade’s Edge Mountains - Blood and Dust

Durnholde Keep - Which Side Are You On?

We’ve had adventures