Hey there.
I’m 31 years old Finnish wow veteran searching for a new home.
I’ve cleared all current content and farmed it for good 8 weeks. I’ve done my MC Aqual Quintessence quest line to the point I’m nearly exalted. Obviously also done with onyxia attuenement.
I’m looking for a guild with really specific 2 day raiding schedule. It needs to be wednesday and sunday evening.
Unfortunately no point of even suggesting anything else as it won’t work for me.
I’m looking for good active guild with steady roster and already raiding. I don’t wanna join a guild wtih 39 raid loggers and no community. I’m not looking for a guild that’s still building their roster.
If you contact me in-game I can link you my logs or you can just search them from warcraftlogs like normal people
Anything else you need to ask, feel free to contact me in-game Benji#22744 or whisper in game Benjì