[A / 8.3 themed Riot RP] Hysteria 👁 - 6th of Feb

I can understand that yes, I probably should have worded it a little better.

But generally, I personally disslike Devil’s advocaty stuff. But if other people/you for example find it interesting to do then its up to you really. I’m not gonna hate people for it either :slight_smile:


Let’s not flatter this truly The Sims: Livin’ Large gamer by implying there’s some history beyond them being just another superfan who thinks much more deeply about what other (much more successful) groups than their own are doing instead of taking the effort to improve what they might (very very generously) describe as their roleplay

I’d autograph a poster of myself for them, but they’d probably just tear it down in Stormwind Rumour Mill thread


Twice, no less.


Once again big respect for Perroy and his whole crew. I will admit that a few months ago I disagreed with some of PCUs methods. Now I know I was wrong. Maybe I should fall into the mill and join this epic grp…

PS. u smell Morrowburn


We have been numerous in the past who were led astray from the true path. But eventually people find the light.

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Exists outside the cycle.

Quite. Besides of which, with the dawn of Discord as a platform for quite a bit of RP, oftentimes things are presented in a skewed light when brought to the forums.

My biggest regret is that I’m probably not going to be able to attend this. :pensive:

Sounds like a really cool & fun event idea, giving the rp’ers in Stormwind something to play off of like this. Don’t know why some people would be so upset about this.


Going to try and attend!

Unfortunately its on a Thursday which is a bit of a bad day.

If i’m not there, good luck with it! looks swell.

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  1. “Cus PCU is bad!”-Said by local altposter.
  2. They dont want their status quo rp disturbed.

Sounds good, hope it works. :slight_smile:

Very happy that this epic/awesome event is happening SOON, just in time for me to attend!

You bet everyone who’s anyone will be someone there!


Would coming along as a NPC stonemason character be acceptable? I’d love to put a defias-esque flair on it if possible for some of the older characters in attendance. Can definitely get a character up and ready for some agitation with that in mind.


Oh yes… Please do… The Defias might be long vanquished, but the mindset will surely return with the actions Anduin has taken during his reign! <3

Sounds absolutely fine, yep! There could even be characters in the mob that aren’t even under N’zoth’s influence but join for other reasons - ie night elf refugees turned radical, defias sympathisers, etc … third parties using this weird sudden burst of anti-peace sentiment for their own agendas


:fist: I’ll rock up at 8, red facemask and cog tattoo discretely hidden away at first. :eyes:


Gonna pull a Jane Austen with my NPC and have a character “whom no one but myself will much like”.
Expect a lot of calls for the return of orc internment and the extermination of loathesome trolls and blood elves!


I’m considering joining in on someone that isn’t my town crier. A concerned citizen who’s number one priority is the safety of the orphans!


Tremendous; I’ll show up as Mr Darcy and we shall hold the most magnificent Regency garden party.

Also - thank you Perroy, very cool! Look forward to the screenshots!

if someone would start a business in Stormwind to sell earplugs for orphans they’d be racking in the :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:


Those orphans will be there, eagerly murdering any grown-up who lets down their guard. Starting with the orphanage matron.

I have seen it in the Vision of Stormwind, wake up peopliiyoq raz’tal’vsak!