Ace of Spades-Mirage Raceway [A] is recruiting. We are an Alliance guild that came from retail and are now aiming to get into the top of the raiding scene on the realm. Despite that, we consider ourselves a semi-hardcore raiding guild; we have people that have never touched vanilla ranging to those that have exclusively played on private servers.
Our current progress is:
Molten Core 10/10 (Realm 5th on Ragnaros)
Onyxia 1/1 (split runs as low as 18/17)
We aim to stay as the top 5 guild when it comes to progress, aiming for clean executions and later on the aim shifts to faster kills. With that said, we have a good amount of active members and socials online that do (organized) PvP and dungeons.
For loot distribution, we use the EPGP system. We raid on Wednesday and Sunday from 20:00 till 23:00. Invites start at 19:30.
We are currently in high demand for:
1x Feral Druid
1x Fury Warrior
1x Holy Paladin
1x Rogue
And as a bonus, we are looking for a non-raiding tank that likes to do dungeons for our socials and on off-days.
We are always looking for exceptional players that blow our minds. Socials are welcome to join us as well.
If you’re interested, please head on over to
to start your application,