[A] adult swim recruiting

is an Semi-Hardcore Alliance Guild on Razorgore consisting of a competitive group of players, brought together by a desire to play World of Warcraft Classic. Our members hail from all over Europe. Many of us have played in top-end guilds such as Nihilum, Method, Forte, Closure, Memento Mori, and have extensive PVE experience on many different characters dating back to the release of WoW. We have chosen to focus on “classic” WoW as we feel it has offered the best experience for us.

Current raid progression : 10/10 Molten Core - 1/1 Onyxia ( split runs )

Our minimum requirements to be part of the raiding team are:-

• You are a considerate, sociable and a team orientated player
• You want to raid and you can commit to 3 days, 3 hours per raid (most likely Wed/Sun/Tue 20:00-23:00) Currently we are clearing MC on Wensday and Onyxia every reset.
• You have a desire to play to a high standard and are willing to research appropriately
• We expect you to be prepared for the encounters both in terms of consumables and strategy
• Willingness to build a positive reputation in the community
• You’re level 60 and have finished the attunements.

What we offer:-

• Experienced Vanilla Guild and raid Management
• Mature, calm and friendly atmosphere
• Sociable, non-elitist attitude towards guild members and others in the community
• A opportunity to see the raids in Classic without the commitment requirements of a hardcore guild

If you are thinking of playing classic and want to raid then join our community on the forums and get involved.

discord: Jannick#7629 or Snookiwooki#5552
Ingame : Nyvh or Snooki

Currently recruiting:-
Druid : Exceptional only
Hunter : Closed
Mage : Open
Paladin : Exceptional only
Priest : Exceptional only
Rogue : Open
Warlock : Exceptional only
Fury Warrior : Open

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