My name is Daan Vansteelant, born in a city called Torhout located in Belgium - Flanders. I’m 30 years old and looking for a new active guild (raiding, m+ and pvp).
Playing since vanilla, nearly played all expantions except cataclysm.
In vanilla I mained warlock raided up to naxxramas (my hardcore wow times) , in TBC also played warlock but did not raid that much anymore. in WOTLK was rogue my main and did pvp the most. I skipped Cataclysm as I said before. in MOP I started to play again later in the expantion, did not do much…
After in WOD I mained a hunter and did raid more, but only with pugs. Later on I started to play monk and never changed since then. Raided with my monk in Legion and BFA. Also all with pugs.
Now in SL I want do take it more serious again, so that’s why i’m looking for a guild to play with
I did a faction transfer to Aggra (portuguese) server.
I’m a brewmaster monk for mythic+ and I do raiding and pvp as a windwalker.
At the moment my ilvl is 201 for tank, never tanked in a raid but willing to do with some support. We all got to learn ya know
If u want to know more about me or got any questions feel free to reply or add me on Bnet
Vansteelant Daan