[A] -All Nuke Skull- 7/8 HC Recruiting for Progression!

All Nuke Skull has been around for over 10 years.

We are primarily a social guild that likes to raid and see end content, with mythic being the aim.

We have built a cohesive raid team, and are looking towards semi-casual mythic raiding in BfA. Currently 8/8N and 7/8HC

Main raids - Wednesdays and sundays 9pm - 12pm server time. We expect these raiders to aim to attend every raid, but ofc we realise life sometimes happens. Discord is compulsory for all raiding, you don't need to talk if you don't want to, but you do need to hear.

Alt/fun raid - Friday 9pm -12p, server time, aimed at main raider alts and people who can't commit to main raid, and also those who want to try out for the main raid.

Most other nights and day times - mythic pluses, dungeons, older raids, levelling, sometimes pvp, chatting on discord.

We have guild contests such as guess the release date of Battle for antorus, winner got 50k gold, and designing a guild banner for the website and facebook, winner received a game time card, and a transmog contest, winner received a store helm.

We sometimes do raidathons, ie the older raids, or we do achievement raids, or timewalking raids. These will start later on in the expansion.

Our aim is to work and play together to enjoy the game and get some bosses down. If you want a friendly, helpful, sociable guild, whether to raid or not, then we are for you! Everyone who isn't an !@#$%^ is extremely welcome, any age, experience and intensity.

Our raid team is almost set now although we need a few dps for progression, hunter/mage/boomkin/monk please.

We do raid again more casually on Fridays which isnt full yet, and we're always looking for social members ^_^

Speak to the GM, officer or a helper for info.

GM - Thorsmissus
Officers - Ashrius.
Helpers - Hillmanata, Méssiah, Hybridsuktar, Gahrnul, Fealty
:) hella friendly and helpful people in guild.
Still recruiting ^_^

8/8HC and heading into mythic :slight_smile: