Freelancers is an [A] Argent Dawn only community for raiding limited progression. We will be raiding 1 day a week (wednesday) and focus especially on later heroic bosses (AotC) and Mythic bosses as far as we can get. It is aimed at people who want to do more challenging content without leaving their existing guilds, or have limited time to raid but still would like to do progression.
First raid will be this Wednesday, HC Crucible. Let me know in-game (Maraella - Argent Dawn) if you are interested in being part of such a project or join our discord (h ttps://
What are the raid times?
Wednesday 20:00-24:00 server. We might finish at 23:00 or extend depending on where we are with progression, you should be able to commit the full time through.
Why not a guild?
There is some of us do not want to leave our RP guilds or social guilds with friends, or want to stay with a guild but cannot make their raid times. This community is for such people.
Why 1 day a week?
We do not aim for world firsts. CE will happen if it does happen. Our goal is steady progress and having fun with challenging content with a regular team. We still want to be able to spend time with our guilds, join RP events, run a lot of M+ (or be able to spend more time on real life commitments).
Why Wednesday?
Reset day is when most experienced players who are interested in higher tier raiding tends to be around. That is why a lot of guilds run on Wednesday, that is why a lot of regular PuG raids run that day.
How can we progress later bosses with so little time?
Lock extensions, the goal is to progress through bosses. Especially with HC, the goal is to get AotC as soon as possible when 8.2 hits so that you can PuG farm bosses easily for gear on your own time. For Mythic raiding we’ll probably balance between gearing and extending lockouts.
What type of commitment is required?
You can be a Full Time Raider or a Flex Raider. Full Time raiders have guaranteed spots when signed up, but are required to have very good attendance rate and performance good enough to not completely block the progression. Flex Raiders only need to commit to be there for the full raid, when they have signed up, but for mythic bosses space might be limited, so the decision will be based on previous attendance, skill, and order of sign-ups. You are either in for whole night or not. There will be no waiting on bench and we’ll let you know as early as possible if you are in or not.
What if I am not from Argent Dawn-EU?
Come join our discord. Chances are we will need a few extra people to join our HC runs, and mythics after cross-server opens, but please realize that main ranks are for Argent Dawn only as we want to be able to progress mythic in 8.2 while it is server locked.
I am new to HC/Mythic Raiding, can I still come?
If you have managed a 7-8/9 on HC BoD (or did 8/8 on Uldir, or did similar difficulty of raiding on previous expansions) you are probably more than good enough. We do expect a base level of gear appropriate for the raid we are running.
If you have never done this level of raiding before, you are still welcome to come and join us. Right attitude and learning is more important than existing skill/gear, although just be aware that it might be a bit of a deep end of the pool situation.
We also do have a Community rank, and I do plan to run some learning raids down the line. Some members might end up running gearing/alt run PuGs for easier bosses, but it is too early to tell at this stage.
What about M+?
We won’t be organizing M+ or recruiting for M+ in community even through we expect our members will run things together sometimes. M+ teams within raiding teams have a tendency to create cliques and resentment that comes with it. We want the raiding team, especially the Full Time raiders on the team to be on equal footing. If you want to recruit and find M+ players, we do have a sister cross-server community available for that.
I have another question.
Feel free to post them below, join our discord or contact us in-game.