Hello PvPers!
I’m Rhunok, a casual Arms Dwarf Warrior who wants to dip my toes in the PvP aspect of the game, although I must admit that I’m mostly doing this for the mounts and transmogs that you get. That said I’m looking for a casual and friendly(those two personality traits/mindsets are SUPER important) healer to do some 2v2s with. Previous experience, ilvl, Rating etc.etc. are irrelevant to me.
What I require is a healer who can laugh at mistakes(both his own and on my expense) rather than rage at failures. If you are friendly in that way, somewhat mature (+18 years old or older is preferred), then I don’t care what healer class/spec that you play. Go with what you think is fun and lets do our best
Edit1: Typo.
Edit2: Ok so I forgot to mention one more important thing, I can’t join 2v2 Arena on Mondays and Wednesdays between 8-10PM CET because those are my Raidtimes
If you are interested, then poke me in the comments below or add me Battlenet tag: Carnage#22910
Best regards,