Hello Argent Dawn!
I’ve returned to roleplaying after quite some time away and am now looking for a guild to call home, find friends in and where I can grow as a roleplayer. I’ve roleplayed on various characters since TBC but feel a bit rusty after some time away. But after having done some thinking I’ve come to the conclusion that what I am looking for is this (sorted in order from most to least important, give or take):
Focus being on the bigger threat to Azeroth and keeping the planet safe, rather than fighting the Alliance and RP-PvP (though I can agree to a little RP-PvP if there’s a save-Azeroth-argument in there and more items on this list are checked).
Cooperation/allied/friendship with other guilds and an eagerness to take part in server-wide events and campaigns, big or small (I’ve been bubbled away by guilds in the past and did not enjoy it).
RP outside of events (I mean, campfire and travelling RP is awesome)
Some measure of realism when it comes to resources on the road etc. I never RP having endless amounts of health potions on me or an infinite amount of bandages. When the mana is out, the bandages it is and when we’re out of those, clothing will be sacrificed.
A guild of mixed races (I know, I’m a hypocrite listing this while RPing a belf…
As for my character, she is in short a wielder of the Holy Light, a mender of various methods: alchemy, surgery, healing magic. A well rounded medic, basicly.
There is also one more thing; Attendance. I’m a healthcare worker and will be online roleplaying as much as I can, but given my line of work I need proper sleep. I simply can’t attend an event until midnight, so being allowed to opt out of events early if needed is a must. There will also be extra shifts and overtime. I will be doing my best to communicate my schedule however, and I will be available at least 2-3 evenings per week.