[A] <Billy Club> - Recruiting raiders for MC

Hi all,

We are a diverse group of friends old and new looking for more bodies to fill out our raiding team once the masses hit 60 & assisting others with their attunements over the next 2-3 weeks.

With 1 raid night per week (final raid day pending vote on the Discord) and looking to expand to 2 once the content permits. Raid time will be 19:00-22:00/22:30 GMT.

We have a Discord - but the best way to contact us would be in-game. Feel free to whisper me on Belch next time you’re online if you have any questions about the guild - or would like to join.

With around 30 players between 50-60, we are looking for all to fill out the roster (inc meme specs - I’m looking at you boomchickens)

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Just tacking on to the end of this post to say that we’re not only just looking for level 60s, everyone is welcome.



Hi all,

By way of an update our raid team has filled out considerably over the past 2 weeks. We now have around 30-35 members that are level 60 and have run 2 very successful Molten Core PuGs (On the first we killed 6 bosses with only 2 wipes and the second raid we cleared 9/10).

Raid nights are Friday 20:00-23:00 server time and we are looking for the last few players to complete our 40 man raiding team, as well as socials and levelers if you want to be a part of the community.

3 Warlocks

1 Hunter

2-3 Priests

1 Holy Paladin

2-3 Rogues

1-2 Druids

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Those interested may apply on our guild page: billyclub dot net

We have a cool tabard, join us!