A bit confused

I rolled on Zandalar Tribe because I loved Defias Brotherhood in Vanilla.

The feeling on Zandalar Tribe was great during Phase one and it seemed like ratio balance was really good too.

I play horde side and I have 3 characters in various levels. My highest is 45 (as I do not have the amount of time this time around :stuck_out_tongue: - but I still enjoy the game massively ). Though I would love to reach 60 and hopefully participate in some kind of Raiding since that is what I did in Vanilla.

Rp-PvP has always been my flavour. The reason: It adds the tension and just feels a little more “real”. Being on a RP tagged PvP server also added some qualities that I enjoy. Usually a tad more relaxed players and better character names. It was a perfect balance. Defias Brotherhood was just that.

I found this same quality on ZT and just hope it will keep like that. Because getting the chance to play the WoW I loved back in 2005-2007 felt just magic! (I just don’t like retail, and will never return there).

So to the point of this long thread: When I log in with my highest level. I see many players on Horde side. Orgrimmar is full of players and it feels like there are at least the same amount of people as on Defias Brotherhood. It looks healthy. And the people I have met and done instances with have been awesome. Helpful and mature. Love it.

Out there in the “real world” though. Questing, I have started to notice on my highest level that its getting difficult. There are alliance players everywhere. And they attack me 2-3 with players and more at the time and with a high level (skull) amongst them. So all I can do is to die gracefully.

Now this was part of what I enjoyed. I enjoyed being attacked sometimes, that added to the “danger”. And I really do not blame the players. If they had not attacked, the servers could just have been another PVE server :slight_smile: So yeah. PVP is par of it. So its more the balance part I am scared about. That it will just tip over and become unplayable in all aspects apart from the PVP.

My worry is fueled when I read and see that people move away on horde side because its even worse in 50-60 level range (I dont know because I have not been there).

And I also think back on Defias Brotherhood. We had Flight points taken, rogues on the ships there too and it was part of the magic. But maybe the population issue just ruins the balance of things this time. Everything is great as long as it is balanced.

What do you think will happen in Phase 3. Will the server look more like old Defias or will there simply be too many players so that it will keep being difficult to move around and play? I ask because for the first time ever, I have started thinking that maybe I should move to a PvE server this time around. Still I loved Defias so much and still have a hope that ZT can offer the same quality. A balanced WoW experience.

And I will stress out. I am not blaming PvPers. They deserve a balanced server too killing enemy. If they had not been there it would not have been fun. :slight_smile: Maybe Blizzard really did make thing unbalanced allowing the bigger numbers on the servers than what was happening in Vanilla… I don’t know as Im not an expert. Just a simple player that enjoys WoW. And I have met loads of awesome alliance players too. Not everyone attacks. Some have even helped me when I was near death from the mobs. Cudos to Alliance players there!

But I have hopes for ZT. That it will keep being the great server that it actually is :slight_smile: and yeah being killed and corpsecamped sometimes IS part of the fun. Just not if it happens non-stop.


I played on defias brotherhood too. I was there from day 1. But I quit before the first expansion and now I´m back.

I liked ZT before phase 2. But the world pvp now is not at all like it was in vanilla. I think its mainly because the population on the server is very high. Much higher than anything in 2005. So there is nowhere to go if you want to quest at 48 and later.

I dont like it, so I rerolled on the rp-pve server. But perhaps things will get better when the BGs come. Time will tell.


I agree to this. It was nowhere like this. I have hopes for the BGs :), so I will wait, If not I might re-roll on the Rp-pve too.

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I don’t like to reroll, I would prefer being able o transfer to normal RP. I don’t care about pvp, never had a problem with. I have developed two characters and I don’t want to abandon them.

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So far I like the RP on the server. The characters on the server have an interesting mix of being unique, and at the same time being approachable.

With respect to PVP, I love the feeling of danger and fighting against overwhelming odds. I don’t approve or tolerate people corpsecamping.

What’s even more annoying is that the same corpsecampers roam around with high-tier gear. This means that some guildleaders and guildmates tolerate are complicit and enablers to such kind of behaviour.

Back in vanilla, guilds and raidgroups would routinely purge corpsecampers from their roster. Somebody that’s willing to corpsecamp the same person for the 6th time in a row, obviously cares nothing about other people. This is a good sign that they’re too toxic to keep around in a long-term raiding group.

I wonder how long it takes for guildleaders on this server to start cleaning house on their guilds.


I agree that pvp is out of control on this server, too many pvpers and too few rpers.

It makes things worse for ZT to have the reputation of being the only pvp server with a higher alliance population, so for every other horde filled server you will see allies re rolling here, which is unfortunate.

Balance would be best, but I also suspect(hope?) everything will get better after BGs hit, at least I think the death squads will be too busy inside the BG instances.

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I can confirm that. There were a very limited number of bridges you could burn back in vanilla before you would be literally ostracized by the community (both factions). And corpse camping was definitely on the “black list”. No GM worth of their name wanted to have in their ranks a bad griefer.
Reputation meant something back then.
That’s not the case AT ALL right now. Most don’t give a flying damn. And again the overpopulation plays a role in it: when we are that many it’s difficult - impossible to really keep track. When someone is being a real a-hole they can get away cause they literally get lost amongst the masses.

I don’t really get why Blizz allows that. Sure make server somewhat bigger than vanilla ones but not double, triple in size. That’s calling for trouble.


I think Blizz didn´t expect this many people to join the game. And when we joined, they didn´t expect so many to stay.
Now there is a rísk that we won´t stay because of the mess the overpopulation is causing.


Could very well be.
And overpopulation is the root of most of the current problems.
I’m Alliance but I can’t say I’m pleased by the situation. There’s really too many people. I don’t want a dead server either, or even a small one for that matter. But right now we are probably 3x the size of the highest populated servers back in vanilla.

If they opened a new rp-pvp server (and cap the max pop to no more than 5K) I’d re-roll in a heartbeat.

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Overpopulation is definitely the problem, and this also counts for a lot of the pvp servers where it’s the other way around.

I don’t think people would mind being part of the underdog faction that much if it didn’t translate to being beaten down on every single front just because of sheer numbers.

With a smaller population the dominant faction would still be able to control certain areas if they wanted to (brm would definitely still be under Alliance control on ZT), but at least they wouldn’t be able to dominate every other 50+ area as well.

I’m not planning on leaving this realm anytime soon, but I would be lying if I said the situation isn’t making me a bit disheartened at times. Let’s hope the release of bg’s will help somewhat.


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