A bit worried about faction balance


As one could expect, ZT is now a bloodbath. Players lvl 50-59 try to take refuge in dungeons, or grind secluded areas. We see a few “pacifists” here and there. Overall, everything is pretty normal.

However, I have the feeling that Alliance is noticeably more present in the World. I have heard of approximate census here and there, and I am bit worried. I would really love to play on a balanced server and for now… I don’t feel like it is.

What’s everyone feeling about it ? No Ally bias ? Small bias ? Strong bias ?

And if bias there is… should we do something about it ?


Give free transfer here for Horde wanting some action.

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I dont feel balance as well. Blizzard should do something otherwise people will start leaving & not pay anymore. Aliance raids are everywhere, so on their opinnion this ganking called pvp? No one fight 1 vs 1, only raids of alies ganking some horde


Well, ganking raids won’t disappear with faction balance. There are successful horde raids right now. I just feel like Alliance is more globally present.

The main idea is not about raids of gankers. People dont feel comfortable with all that. i spend 40 mins trying to get BRD today & didnt get there. Do you think its ok? As for me, i`ll better transfer char from there or will start new one


a BIT worried?
No need to worry, worry is redundant.
Faction balance is already not realy existant right now.

The question is, what to do about it? I have seen suggestions like faction based queues that might solve the problem, even if it wouldnt be an overly elegant solution.
Bringing back layering might also do the trick,because back when layers were there one could actualy just go to another layer and avoid the alliance gank raids.

Heh. One solace is that the ones responsible for this (Blizzard) will wake up in the morning and have a FLOOD of negativity justifiebly leveled at them
Honestly, How much do they hate the players that they would allow a totaly forseeable situation like this happen?

I dont get the horde crying. Maybe theres more Ally on this server,but Ive never seen such weak Alliance in my 12 years of playing this game on many retail servers. And Im not just trashtalking here. For example this weekend. There were constantly 24/7 horde grp on boat from Menethil to Theramore and Ive seen only once in 2 days that ally formed any reasonable group to wipe them. And guess what. Instead of bodycamp them, like horde does…the Ally wipes them once and then instantly disband group and left Horde to do it again. Theres 24/7 gank in Thorium point. In Morgan Vigil. In STV. In Eastern and Western Plaguelands. Just everywhere you go, there are organized Horde groups ganking. And rarely you see any organized ally group that fight back. Even if you start a group to fight back you get 2-4 random people vs 10plus sized Horde grps. While theres 100k Dragonslayers afking in IF/SW RPing. Nah this server is ruled by Horde when it comes to PvP and Im seriously thinking about deleting my ally char and level one on Horde side. Ye sure, there might be more ally around , but they rarely do any pvp. On other hand Horde is doing LOADs of pvp action and are much better. I seriously regret going Ally on this server.

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you dont need to get it :3
Just enjoy no horde to farm on Zandalari soon :slight_smile:


ZT is one of few servers (or may be even only one) where Horde does not prevail. Frustrated Alliance players are moving here from other servers. Classic moves to mono-faction servers quickly and Blizzard does very little to stop it.


Seriously can we quit with this “(insert faction here that is not my own faction) are ganking 24/7 and corpse camping while my side fights outnumbered and with honor” crap? I saw groups of 10+ allies waiting at the enterance to the Plaguelands, I’ve seen 15+ allies circling Everlook, I’ve been denied entrance to UBRS by priest MCing me off the balcony to be farmed by 20+ allies. Every god damn faction fights dirty because everyone of us is a human and given a chance to be a dick without any consequence any human will take it. Enough with this victim complex.

As for faction balance it is worrying, a few people from my guild transfered today, and my friend was urging me to do the same. Which can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy where Horde will just leave before the hype goes away which will just cause more imbalance and frustrated people just following transfers, rerolling or quitting, which is not good for both factions.


There are no transfers TO ZT?

Anyway… wrt faction ballance, I’m not sure if it’s just that there are more alliance or they are better at organizing; but it seems that alliance always travels in packs, and if you kill one on them you will be 3-5 times your number will arrive very quickly.

Longest record was yesterday in fellwood, where I ran around with 1-2 other horde for about an hour and a half before the alliance showed up in force. Got “ganked” 3 times by ~13 players ( to be fair I think it was 3 separate groups that just happende to collide on me ), just a shame they didn’t arrive earlier as they only arrived when we decided to call it a day and go make dinner

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