[A] <Blood Inc> [8/8 BWL] Recruiting for Raid Team

Hi Folks,

First off, let me give you a brief introduction as to who we are and what we are about!

Blood Inc is an Alliance guild first established in 2005 back in Vanilla WoW who have now risen again to conquer all Classic has to offer.

We have a core of old Blood Inc members, but also have had the pleasure of welcoming a lot of new members onboard who have settled in exceptionally. We are open to players of all experiences, we just ask for a mature attitude and a willingness to get on with your Guild mates.

As we are all a little older now with responsibilities, we have set our raid times a little later than perhaps the norm to best fit in with work and family.


We have both Molten Core and Onyxia on farm status and our main focus now is gearing up our talented Raid Team ready to take on Blackwing Lair in Phase 3 and beyond!

Molten Core and Onyxia are getting cleared in one raid night, currently every Wednesday.

The raid times we have planned for the more challenging content going forwards are:

Wednesday 21:00 - 00:00 = BWL
Friday 21:00 - 23:00
Sunday 21:00 - TBA = MC & Onyxia


We are currently on the lookout for the following Classes and Roles to join our core Raid team:

1 x Rogue
1 x Holy Priest
1 x Warlock

(Consideration will be given to roles not listed above if we feel you’ll be a good fit, join our Discord server to discuss if interested)

If you like the sound of what we offer and you want to be part of a Raid Team that has aspirations to clear all content Classic throws our way, please jump onto our Discord server and say Hi!

Discord Server: discord.gg/MH96WXT

Alternatively, feel free to drop one of our Officers a /w in game for a chat.


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Bump for great justice.

Making good progress through MC, still looking for new members to join our raid team!


It would be great having some more tree hugging friends to join our team :wink:

This time maybe not with an outdated retail char…

Easy mistake! :stuck_out_tongue:

Started to DE rogue and pala loot in MC, where have all these classes gone?!

LFM Rogues, DPS Warriors, Holy Paladins and Resto Druids!

Just a reminder we have a few open raid spots for the following classes:

Rogues, DPS Warriors, Holy Paladins and Resto Druids.

If you’re interested please get in touch!

Discord Server: discord.gg/MH96WXT

Many Thanks

Hi Folks,

All current content cleared, and we currently have open Raid spots available!

As a priority we are still on the lookout for Restoration Druids, Holy Paladins and one more Warlock to join our talented raid team!

We also have spots for both ranged and melee DPS.

Please jump on our Discord server for a chat or /w an Officer in game if you are interested.

Many Thanks


Updated original post with current required classes, still a few open spots left for Raiders!

Exciting times getting ready for BWL. Come join in cursing the drop rate of Drake Fang Talisman!

Recruitment is still open for a raid hungry Rogue and Warlock.

We’re still looking! Come have fun with us in BWL :slight_smile:

Looking for one experienced Rogue to head into BWL and beyond with us please folks.

Jump on our Discord for a chat!


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Updated OP with the 3 classes we’re currently actively seeking to join our core raid team for BWL.

Well if this ain’t a blast from the past… Z the master priest / part time Rogue is still playing. Tempted to make an alliance char.

Ross / Mornan btw