[A] Bloodbath And Beyond [2/8M]

About Us

Bloodbath and Beyond is a guild that's been around since October 10th, 2010! We have had the same management over the course of our existence and have officers who have been around for over +7 years. We have a positive attitude and a team mentality. We are currently looking for a few more members to get a stable roster for mythic progression.

​We look for members with the same vision as us. There's more to a team than showing up for a raid or two a week. We look for solid members which interact/become friends and hang out on Discord with team members. If this sounds like a fit for you, feel free to apply to our guild! :)

Days and Goals

We raid on Friday and Sunday.
Friday: 19.30 - 22.30 server time
Sunday: 14.00-17.00 server time

We plan on clearing as much progression as possible!
We are currently [8/8] HC and [2/8] Mythic and trying to finish our roster so we can start properly progressing in Mythic. Currently recruiting 1 tank and mostly ranged DPS with an emphasis on mage and warlock.

Any question Feel free to add LadyVelexis#2728 or FatNun#2562
Still looking for ranged dps, don't be shy and feel free to reach out!
We are also looking for possibly melee DPS, please inquire for more information!