[A] [Bloodscalp] <Ministry of Silly Wipes> New guild, hoping to begin raiding in the near future! All players welcome!

Is a newly formed Alliance guild on the Bloodscalp/Emeriss/Agamaggan etc. cluster of realms! The leaders are have 10/10 HC Castle Nathria experience, and are keen to hopefully begin our own raid team with enough players and interest!
We hope to make some new friends, to do new and old content with, and potentially enjoy playing other games too! We have our own Discord, primarily used for WoW, but also a number of other games too.

Currently we are few in number, but we have a solid group of social players thus far!
We know that not everyone has the time to commit to the game full time, and so will be committed to help any members to progress as much as possible where we can, whether that’s help with levelling, Mythic+ keys, raiding – Whatever! We hope to build a friendly, and helpful community of players!

Raid days will be decided when we have enough members, depending on which days best suit the guild as a whole.

Currently we are recruiting anyone who wishes to join! All we ask is that you bring a positive attitude, and have some patience for those people who are new and learning =)

Please whisper Kindred-Bloodscalp in game, or feel free to contact me via;
Bnet: Westie#2496
Discord: xWestie#9361