[A] <Brazen Band> is looking for like minded chaps


Just thought I’d post an advert for my guild here rather than spamming the channels.

Essentially I’ve formed this guild in the last day with some friends I’ve made whilst leveling and we’re looking for other like minded mature folks to join us for mutual assistance, hopefully regular guild dungeons and possibly even raiding, albeit the latter would likely be in coalition with other guilds.

The intention, despite this post, is not to mass recruit, but instead to form a small/medium sized active community. We’re looking for chatty people with a good attitude first and foremost, game skill, raiding aspirations and whatnot is secondary, enjoyment and a good social environment is key.

In character, Brazen Band is essentially a band of mercenaries based between Menethil and Theramore. Therefore constant raiding of Dungeons small, and maybe even big, makes some sense as we’re just greedy mercs. Add in your own flavour as you will, but IC I’m just a jovial warrior chap trying to make a living.

The guild tabard is slightly visible on my avatar, but for those who can’t see its a dark green with rich yellow trim, similar to that of Kul Tiras.

Send me (Erad) a message or a mail in game if you want to know more.

Stay safe and have fun folks!