[A] <Brotherhood of Light> Recruiting now

About us

We have been around WoW since the original closed beta and still have some of those members playing in classic, more wrinkled and cynical than we once were, but nevertheless we’re still facerolling our way to victory. Many of us used to play on the Emerald Dream server.

What are we looking for?

We are a raiding-focused guild, but with a social, friendly, supportive community where people come first. We understand the importance of real life commitments, particularly with us generally being an older and wiser bunch, though this last point is a topic of some debate. We are looking for people who want to raid, and will compliment the mature and friendly atmosphere that we are proud to maintain.

We expect all members to be proud to wear the Guild tag, and demonstrate our guild values at all times in their travels across Azeroth.

When are we raiding? (all times as per server time)

Currently we raid every Sunday 20:00 - 23:00, and alternate Wednesdays and Fridays 20:30 - 23:30. We consistently clear both MC & Ony in these 2 days, and have also managed to fully clear both in just one 3-hour raid.

With the release of BWL we will begin raiding 3 days each week: Wednesday 20:30 - 23:30, Friday 20:30 - 23:30, Sunday 20:00 - 23:00.

What positions are we recruiting for?

For raiding positions, all applications will be considered minus those listed below, which we are currently full on:

Holy / Disc Priests

Please note – socials of any class/spec are welcome.

If you are interested or fancy a chat, our guild discord is at https ://discord.gg/nrNqX2s or contact an officer in game.

We have all current content on farm with slightly undermanned raids, but with BWL looming we would like to expand our community in order to continue our progression.

Sounds good, who do I need to talk to ingame to apply?

Hi, Niffess! Feel free to whisper any of our officers in-game, or use the discord link provided and post in the recruitment channel. Our officers are:


Still on the look out for more raiders!

Still looking for more!
BWL Looms, get applying to poke dragons with pointy sticks (or magic if that’s your preference!)

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