[A] Casual Heroic raid clears with Legion V Raids

Interested in doing a casual Heroic raid clear each week and finding a few more people for M+? Not interested in anything too hardcore like mythic raiding? Not interesting in completely random pugs all the time? Welcome to the right place for you.

We’ve been playing as a community of Alliance raiders from across Europe from the first raid week and we enjoy meeting and playing with new people. Now we’re looking to expand our community to make heroic clears more efficient and we’d like you - the semi-casual player - to join us.

Looking for healers and dps. Current community progress is 8/10 with the core leader time at 10/10. And we want to do it every week with as many of our players as possible. We’re using Discord for communication and raid signups.

Raids are on Thursday and Sundays at 20:45 server time.

Requirements - item level of 205 or above and experience with at least 6 heroic bosses, preferably 7 or more, but we’re reasonably flexible as long as you can listen and handle yourself well.

Find us by going into the Community interface and searching for “Legion V Raids” or shorter “LVRaid”. You’ll be invited to our Discord server if accepted into the community.

[Note - the author of this post has been raid leading for 8 out of the previous 11 years, and is now finding it most enjoyable to not think about organized mythic raiding with his guild. You can also find me directly in-game as Shangalar-Ravencrest]