A change to trinkets

Hey all, first time poster here, hoping im not threading on thin ice.

I’ve been feeling that trinkets in wow are sort of a lackluster, with some of them being great, some of them being useless. This is mainly coming from a tank perspective, since i mostly do mythic+ up to keylevels of 20 i might not know entirely what effects this proposal could have or how it should be handled, but nonetheless i think it’s a change that would make trinkets more interesting.

The proposal:
Make trinkets be a dull old boring stat stick, but give them a utility effect that we can choose from a list. The effect should probably be different depending on if you’re doing mythic+, raiding, or pvp for balancing issues.
For example, in Throne of Tides i absolutely despise tanking the patrolling dogs (whatever you wanna call them) before first boss due to the bleed stack, an effect here could be “Remove all timed DOTs on yourself (5 min cooldown)”.
As a warrior, i also lack a lot of CC to deal with incorporeal and afflicted affixes, a trinket effect for that could be either “CC (insert proper cc effect here) an enemy for up to 20 seconds (1 minute cooldown)”, and “Dispel a friendly player/creature, removing 1 magic/curse/disease/etc effect (1 minute cooldown)”.

The list goes on and as i haven’t fully thought it through i’ll stop here for now. What are your ideas regarding this change of trinkets?

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