After our recent server merger I’d like to introduce our Guild Chimera
About Us:
Our core group consists of ex hardcore raiders who simply dont have the time to raid 5+ nights a week anymore. Weve created a friendly gaming community over the 10 years since Chimera was established that consists of great raiders and socials alike. Were a good bunch of people who love to raid & are looking for a few new members to join our online family. We look for solid timely progress without raiding too much and include an alt raid throughout the week (as weve all got that 1 alt we love to play!)
What were looking for:
DPS of any class. Warrior & Mage preferred.
1 Healer. Any class.
Committed raiders who put the time in during the week to make sure your character is raid ready.
Raiders who know their class and can perform at the requirements the Mythic level raids provide us.
Raiding Schedule:
We Raid 3 times a week:
2 Mythic raids and 1 fun raid.
Currently only raiding Weds evenings at 20:00 server time due to slowdown before SL. SL raid days TBA announced but Weds, Fri and Sun evenings are likely raid days with Fri being the alt run.
What we provide:
A large long-lasting community of like-minded friendly players
Discord for voice comms and multiple chat channels
Mythic+ Dungeons are loved by a large proportion of the Guild & are ran throughout the week
Advice given from Class Leaders on request
A great atmosphere to raid in.
If your looking for a new online home with a friendly community of gamers then
Apply via contacting an Officer in game or reply to this thread
im sheldor and im looking for a new guild because the guild that i was in for a while died and there never anybody online anymore it was a really nice guild the people where very friendly and kind till someone srewt it up and the guild masters kinda quit so that was really a shame
is this guild still good active? first of all im not all that good at raiding but i love a nice community to chat and discuss wow and other things of the real world and when there is a quetion that you help each other out so i would be more of social guild member but i pretty nice one hahaha just kidding i hope you would have me do you guys have a site where i can apply? my battletag is: sheldor#2234 so maybe one of the officers could at me and we could talk about it?
thank you very much in advance
Me and my friend have been away from woW for about 6-8 months. We are wanting to get back into it for shadowlands and are thinking of changing servers to Eonar. She (my friend) plays both hunter and paladin at max for around 4 and a bit years now, I have played Priest ( all 3 specs), Druid (healer), Hunter, and a Frost mage at max level for several as well. We have been playing in High POP servers for many years however we want to move to a smaller server instead. We will be starting from scratch on Eonar, we level quick we have done it plenty of times so dont worry we will be ready to tackle Shadowlands way before launch. What raid team size are you planning to have for the coming expansion?
Thanks for taking your time to reply to our recruitment post & good to hear your coming back to the game for Shadowlands.
In answer to your question, we usually keep a small raid team with some room for rotation when people need a day off as some members work shifts / have families. We still have several members deciding what class/spec to play which they’ll decide over the coming weeks when the pre-patch arrives.
If your looking for raiding positions, our aim is for Mythic progression, can you let me know what Mythic raid experience you both have and in which roles? If you prefer to keep that private you can apply on our Discord h ttps://