How do I complete the A Choice of Allies while playing as a Horde Troll at level 40? Nothing is indicated on the map and all the quest’s description really tells me is that I am supposed to learn about various races. How do I accomplish this? One of the races I am supposed to learn about is the Vulpera, well I am smack in the middle of their hide-away in Vol’dun. I spoke to a few npcs, that seems to be the wrong way to go about learning about them, for example. So how do I learn about a race?
Where is that room? It doesn’t appear to be the Ogrimmar Embassy where I started that quest. Banners? You mean those blue ones hanging right there in the room?
(I am probably overthinking it. )
Okay, it was the Ogrimmar Embassy after all, and that blue banner I saw in the video was just one of several I had to click on.
My main goal here is to unlock playing as a Vulpera. If anyone has any advice as how to best proceed to accomplish this, I’d be glad to hear it.
For Secrets in the Sands, get yourself to Zandalar in Battle for Azeroth, choose Voldun from the quest map at Dazae’alor, and complete the mainline zone quests all the way through.