A class for explorer

Hello fellow zandalari!

I wish to start a character that would roleplay as dwarf explorer and im not sure which class to go.

Hunter seem to be the most fitting class for the explorer vibe but I fear I wont get into groups and raids. Rogue is an option too.

Priest may be viable as a wandering priest type of character. Same goes for paladin and the questing knight type.

Warrior feels the most off for this character type maybe, though I do love blacksmithing.

Meta-wise I usually enjoy healing or support but feeling the explorer-rp vibe is more important for me i think.

Please share with me your opinion on the subject and help me reach a decision!

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I can’t help you with what feels right to you, but as for viability, you will have absolutely no trouble getting spots for 5mens, MC, BWL and ZG. It’s true that hunter dps and utility fall off sharply in AQ and Naxx, but that’s over a year away, and even the more serious progression guilds still take 2-3 hunters for tranq, kiting and to not waste the gear, so you could be one of those.

Hunter is the best fit, and like Nicolay said i wouldnt worry about stuff 1 year down the line, likely by then you have a nice guild who will take the player not the class

I’d say hunter as well. To RP a class that seems pretty fit to live in the wilds gathering and hunting, while occationally visiting the “civilized” world and sell out his/her loot (perhaps skinned leather and the meat), restock some needed items and heading out again with faithful companion.

Good for exploration to seek out new areas to hunt or to explore between hunting trips. Perhaps be RP-hired to act as a guide through that dangerous looking woods or something like that.

Other classes, of course only in my opinion, don’t have the same feeling for stuff like that.