A Classic PvP Event - Zalandar Tribe

Tarren Mill VS Southshore
As a Member of Defias Brotherhood, We would love to invite everyone on the server for a Battle between The Horde and The Alliance!

As a celebration of The World PvP and For the upcoming Battlegrounds!

We believe, that we should all stand together, in ONE BIG BATTLE!
A Battle for Justice & Revenge! - A Battle for The Alliance & The Horde!
A Battle for Azeroth! and a Battle of Slaughtering!
Lets us all see, which faction should lead the World of Azeroth!

Therefore we hope to meet as many fellow Alliance and Horde players as possible.
To a glorious and epic battle of ancient myths!
The Battle of Tarren Mill & Southshore!

7’th of December at 20:00H ST (Server Time)

Who will be coming?
We have invited both The Horde and The Alliance, to join us in our great battle!

We do only encourage people to be above level 30.
Only to be able to kill some Hordes and revenge your fellow players!

We hope to see as many of our Fellow Alliance players for a great Battle!
We are looking forward to see our Enemies of The Horde on the Battlefield too!

/ Defias Brotherhood, Regnory


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