[A] <Clear Comms> Friendly-run raiding guild

<Clear Comms> is recruiting

We are looking for friendly folk for to add to our core raid team as well as our budding community!

Gear is never an issue

We regularly boost Mythic+ and Normal Uldir to get people up to speed in that regard.

We are more-so interested in committed community members with an eye for semi-hardcore raid progression

All 3 founders are 8/8H and atleast 1/8M across multiple characters

The Guild is currently 7/8H and we are committed to 8/8H

Raid times are:

    Wednesday 20:00-23:00
    Monday 20:00-23:00

Please contact me on Battle.net for more information: Obliticks#2550

Have a good one :D
Do you guys accept casual/leveling guild members? I'm thinking of transferring to Sylvanas but I'd like to try and find a guild first, so leveling up a new toon would be an option for me.
