House Astraniel is an
Alliance guild on
Argent Dawn with a focus on farming achievements and collecting mounts, transmogs and much more!
If you’re into the following…
X’ing off pesky old raid metas for mounts, titles etc.
Not racing to constantly pump up your ilvl to max
Doing something else than the eternal daily quest-grind
Collecting cool transmogs
Flying around Azeroth exploring and doing legacy content
Hanging out with friendly experienced players
Making friends across the EU
Not having a demanding attendance schedule
Collecting pets and doing pet battles
Farming mounts, e.g. by doing Island Expeditions
Doing Guild Glory-achievements for those exclusive mounts and rewards
Joining an active but relaxed, growing guild
Then, House Astraniel is the place for you!
We’re not an RP-guild, but love being on Argent Dawn, seeing people RPing all around - and guildies are welcome to engage in their own RP.
Our requirements are simple:
Join with one max level or 110+ levelling character, then all alts are welcome.
Be nice!
We’re a small core of experienced players with history back to Vanilla launch, with guild and raid leading experience.
We have our own private Discord channel.
Players online every day.
If this sound like something you might be interested in, don’t hesitate to contact us ingame or add the battletag of our GM for more info! Shayah#2676
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!