[A] <Conquest> SWE

Hey, any Swedish people looking for a semi-hardcore PvE guild?
Conquest is one of the biggest Swedish guilds on the server and we are looking for nice people, experienced as new.
Our Conquest involves everything from creating a nice community, experiencing Azeroth together aswell as clearing all raids.
The raid scheduele and roster will be set when people start reaching 60.

If you are a person who is easygoing with a humerous and when needed serious attitude, you will definetly fit right in!

PM me ingame or at Edwin#7510 / Ashkandi#4114(GM) on Discord.


We are constantly growing and we have right now about 90 individual players in the guild. We are still looking for more friendly and mature Swedish players who wants to bring the Swedish community and this guild to the forefornt.
All on the officer/classleader team is tailored for their role and there are still classleader/raider spots open. PM us in-game or on Discord. See you all in Azeroth!

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Still looking for more players! Druids and paladins in high demand for raids!