[A] Craze (7/9M) recruiting

Craze has been a raiding guild with a rich history on Kilrogg since October 2007. Its goal is to clear the current mythic raid content, under a competitive but also friendly atmosphere. We seek members with the same goals: motivation for mythic raiding, excellent ability to play their class and perform in the raid environment.

We define ourselves as semi-hardcore, in the sense that we want to clear the mythic content at a reasonable pace. We don’t vie for really fast clears or realm first, but we nonetheless achieve good ranks by the end of a tier. High attendance (80%+) is required throughout the expansion. Disappearing without warning for some time will result in the loss of the raid spot.

Our raid days are Wednesday-Thursday-Sunday 20:00-23:30 Server time.

In addition to raiding, we often clear mythic+ dungeons.

If you like what you see and think you will be a good match for the guild you can inquire with the following officers:


Jack Mercer#7072

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