[A] Cult of the Old Gods [RP / Social]

All praise the Shath’Yar!

Looking for someone to share a ‘Chtulhu Mythos’ flavored tale?

This community is intended as a place for Old Gods lovers (or brave heralds of the light, assuming you wish to have fun roleplaying with and ‘against’ them) to exchange ideas, show off their transmog sets, advertise and find groups to play and roleplay together cross-realm, and basically discuss whatever Old Gods related matter may seem appealing at any time.

There are only a few rules, which can be easily summed up to play fair and keep in mind that the purpose of playing is to have fun - for everyone, not just yourself. :slight_smile:

We are just starting out, but we are certain the Call shall be answered, and we’re not afraid to wait…

If you are interested, please use the following Discord invite code:


On the Discord channel, you will also find the link to the in-game community.

Ak’agthshi ma uhnish, ak’uq shg’cul vwahuhn!
Our numbers are endless, our power beyond reckoning.