[A] Defenders of Valor (8/8 hc) is recruiting

We are recruiting TANKS and ranged DPS for further progress in The Eternal Palace. Heroic is our aim to clear but we are also running normal for gearing up mains/alts.

If you are looking for a Normal/Heroic raiding guild, whisper an officer or Gnome ingame. You can also join us on discord, so we can have a chat about who we are and what ur personal goals are in this game.




Goldnspirit#2157 <- Guildmaster
Twalot#2916 <- Officer
Tautvydas#2702 <- Officer
Chuckstag#2239 <- Officer
Rakarth#2137 <- Gnome


https:// discord.gg/AEVMKk6

Defenders of Valor is a long standing guild that is open to everyone who seeks a relaxed gaming adventure with a friendly atmosphere.
Our main goal is clearing the current raid content on Heroic difficulty.
If you want to join our guild you can stay as a social (so bring ur friends aswell if you like) or if you desire raiding you can signup for our raids and have a good evening.

We also have people runing M+ so feel free to make/join a group.

Our usual raid times are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Mondays from 20:00- 23:00 server time.

Bump up top!

Small update from our side: Azshara HC down with a guild group.
We are still recruiting and looking forward to welcome some new people to the guild.

Still clearing HC Azshara weekly and looking to recruit people, including a tank.

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