[A] Demise are looking for Heroic Raiders!

Welcome to DEMISE
We offer a lively and supportive group of players on Ghostlands/Dragonblight, who are happy to help and answer questions, and offer a great shot at some serious progression and sweet sweet achieves. All we ask for people to turn up as regularly as they can and to show the patience in making sure everyone understands mechanics.

Raiding times

Raid nights: Thursday, sunday for progress and Saturday is a chill run.
Raid time: 20:45 - 11:30 Server Time (7.45-10.30 UK)

We appreciate that people have real lives and do not mind people missing the occasional raid so long as some warning is given in advance so we can help fill necessary spots.

We always have enough people to raid and dont set in stone the “typical” setups of 2/3/9 and 2/4/14. we aim for these for the optimal gear drops tho.

we currently are looking for…

  • Druid, DK or Monk Tank
  • Havoc Demon Hunter
  • Rogue (any spec)
  • Frost DK
  • Warlock (any spec)
  • Holy Preist
  • Resto Shaman

but Even if your class is not listed, we will still consider most roles!

Despite not attempting to be hardcore, we will achieve AOTC on heroic for each tier, and we want you help in joining us to do this!

Contact info
Jigy - Redjiggy#2479 - Raid Leader
Em - Bellefire#2392 - Guild GM

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