Hi all,
We all had some time to read through the pack leader and ehrm, here is some idea’s how I personally was envisioning the packleader.
- When you press Bestial Wrath or coordinated assault, change into an alpha predator (think Dino, Dire wolf etc. customizable with glyphs / barbershop). You get a charge on low cooldown, a jump on low cooldown that deals dmge and a swipe ability after you transform and an execute ability. Can use defensives in this form
- When you hit an enemy with (some rotational shot), it applies a stacking debuff that increases the dmge dealt by animals (% wise) and applies also to the alpha predator. This debuff cant be applied whilst coordinated assault / bestial wrath is active (as it transforms the hunter so its unable to cast it.)
- When outdoors, instead of summoning your ground mount you become the packleader and summon all your pets. Your ground movement speed is (200%?).
Just my 2 cents on the talent tree to improve it!