[A] Disciples 3/10 HC (Alonsus)


Disciples is a social community on the Alonsus, Kul Tiras and Anachronos realms that wants to progress together whilst enjoying the game. We raid regularly and are always running Mythic + Keys.

Being a social raiding guild we like to do various activities throughout the week.


We are now recruiting for our shadowlands raid team.

Disciples has a dedicated raid team on Monday & Thursday for progression, we also raid Tuesday with guild members outside the core team.
We are currently looking for 1 healer and 3 Dps to fill out our core team

We also hold normal runs for new guild members for them to learn the mechanics and help towards gearing them up.

Running various events throughout the week such as warfronts, island expeditions and PvP (For those that want it) We have a couple of players that only focus on PVP

Raid Days: Monday & Thursday. Alt runs on Tuesday

Raid Time: 8PM – 11PM UK Time.

If you are interested in applying please contact Vanq#2404 on Battletag or Hoterino#6305 on Discord