Diversus Eminor
[A] Diversus Eminor | European | Semi-Hardcore | 10/10 MC 1/1 Ony
Guild History
Diversus Eminor was originally formed on Draenor-PvE in Vanilla. Clearing all but C’Thun in AQ40 and 6/15 in Naxx. The core of the guild all played together through TBC with a focus on PvP on Stormscale & Al’Akir before returning home to Draenor to form a new guild to be the alliance first kill on Kil’Jaeden. Continued to pvp up to WoD.
Guild Ambitions
Our goal for DE this time is to fully clear the content we left behind from Vanilla this time. Also to do a lot of bgs and PVP once they are launched.
Raid Schedule
Thurs 19.30pm 23pm | MC/Ony (split raid for Ony)
Tues 19.30pm to 23pm | Ony (Split raid)
Currently, we don’t need this much raid time, but this is what we’ll use going forward when needed.
Loot System
We use loot council. We try to be as fair as possible with loot and always thinking of what is right for the guild/raid. We make loot distribution transparent via loot sheets.
What we expect from you
- Fluent in English
- High Attendance
- Able to take feedback
- Ambitious
- Full Raid Pots + World buffs when asked.
- Excellent Knowledge of your Class and Role.
- Pre-Raid BIS or be in the process of farming it if you just hit 60.
What to expect from us
- A Focus on PvP and PvE - We love both aspects of the game.
- Solid Progression through all content.
- Friendly - We like to have a laugh and make raiding as enjoyable as we can.
What we’re looking for:
Hunters - (x1)
Priest - Holy (x1)
Warlocks - (x1)
Warriors - DPS (x1)
Mages, Rogues, Paladins, Druids - Exceptional Applications Only
Contact any officer in-game for more information.