A dodgy problem

Thanks for sharing your experience. I have tried to get het interest into the game for some time now and ofc do not force it onto her. She played it once as allience (worgen) for a few hours but got bored with it pretty fast. She’s just not the type for this game i guess. She likes Zelda Breath of the Wild, so fantasy fits her interest. Anyways thanks for the suggestions maybe she will show an interest some day :wink:

She somtimes sits on the couch behind me while reading etc. (in the “mancave”) While I am playing and sometimes looks up to see what is going on, on my screen.


Get richer

Isn’t this the same guy who was being attacked in his garden with poop last week?


Yeah the very same cat-packer who likes scarecrows.

edit: said in most kind way. This person is an artist!

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He’s got some crappy fans, that’s for sure. :rofl:


This is a bit low quality trolling…
but hey, its friday, so… okay
May advice: be honest yourself, you don’t value your realtionship, nor your significant other… and act accordingly

Ah, the age old conundrum of trying to convince your spouse you are having an affair with another woman, instead indulging in video games, cars, model trains or whatever floats your boat.

Well, my advice would be to head into the deepest darkest Goldshire, find someone called… say hotbabe and add him to bnet. Then discretely let your hot and steamy conversation be seen on your pc when you “visit the bathroom” while your spouse is near.

There, problem solved.

With such transomg, i believe you do that a lot man.

Of course there are, they even sell gamer girl bathwater!

To be honest even for 5M Gold I can’t see the logic behind this all “plan”
So you say, you value the relationship and her… yet instead working out something with her based on honesty… you try to formulate an ellaborate plot to convince her you are not playing and a game not important to you, you are cheating on her…
Sorry, just can’t see and can’t understand…
A little help here?

Yes you and you asking crappy toxic WoW community for an advice is a prime evidence of that.

A good way of going about it is to actually start texting other women and then showing her the texts.

Its simple really, try to maintain a balanced lifestyle. You know one where you play video games and try to aid with chores and show affection and care for her. Because if you do only play video games and watch your phone its going to be over soon.

I also stare at your armoy

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I see you too are on silvermoon, you are not the person who stalks OP are you?


Fear not I am here to offer sterling advice to sort out this young fellows predicament.

Dump her.

The End.

You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.

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You’re only saying that because you want me for yourself!

Hands off cougar, I may not look it but I’m a young lad.

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Why do you need to convince her? Find a new fiancé. If she can’t accept you for who you are and come to terms with what you like and she does not trust you, you simply don’t need such a person by your side.

I now want that as a title, as silly as the one you get in Blackwing Lair on heroic

Souldefíler the Cougar, Purveyor of Fine Wines and Young Men. Rawwr.

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