A dodgy problem

I need some serious advice.

My fiancé thinks I put WOW first. I reassured her it wasnt the case but she’s noticed that even when i’m away from the computer i tend to be on my phone a lot looking at WOW related content (usually staring at my armory etc).

It’s now come to a point where she feels she doesnt see a future with a man-child; the other night she literally said “I preferred you talking to other women behind my back than putting a videogame before me”. That comment was the last straw and became ingrained in my mind.

I really value my relationship and don’t want to lose her.

How can I convince my fiancé that I havent been playing WOW but instead been texting and calling a women?


Trolling is art ! and not everyone have what it takes to be good artist.


Your life sure has it’s ups and downs, Last week you where being stalked. I say go with your stalker. They seem to support your gaming.


Tell her you are playing wow with a woman. And you whisper het every day.


Questions: has she done the towel drop challenge on you?

If yes did you stop playing? If you didn’t you have issues. If you did all is good.

If she hasn’t done that challenge she is not the one for you and I suggest you go find someone who looks like a scarecrow and also plays wow and likes cosplay…


Helpful tip: if you’re going to troll, learn the difference between fiancé and finacée. You’re using the masculine version to describe an engaged woman. :crazy_face:



I actually LOLed at that. Well played.


A selection of gnome-female voice clips that you can play just before holding your phone to your ear will help create a suitable illusion while also supporting your WoW addiction.

Tell her her name is Sylvia Nas.

My husband thinks I’m a major geek for the same reason :joy: If I’m not in WoW I watch WoW content. I tell him to mind his own business :joy: He’s also a gamer though so he can relate in that way.

I tell you what, it’s not as easy with non gamers. They see it as a waste of time, something that takes from more important or fun things in life.

It seems to me as your partner misses you and you might have been neglecting her lately. I’m a woman, I’d know. I used to be that woman.

How about you watch less WoW stuff and give romance some of your time? It’s important, your relationship is important. Take her out, spoil her, be goofy and cute, let her see that she is more important than the game.

We women need to be constantly reassured that we’re important. It’s how it is, accept it or let her go.

lies. There are no women on internet.

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I might be wrong here but I think that gif might have been altered, If you look very very closely at the shower curtain you can see that the images have been altered in some way.


Lies, wow players aren’t married.

Hey! I’m married to legoless the hunter from goldshire on argent dawn, that’s not true.


Could be worse. Imagine someone pooped in your backyard.


introduce her to a healer class. :joy:

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install a few dating apps and put a password on your phone. Also, start never leaving your phone around when you’re in another room etc

Bonus points: find cosplayers on fiverr, ask them to dress as scarecrows if your fiancee is aware of what you like. Casually forget that a few of those pictures are on your desktop.

What? He said he was not married.

Stay away from my man! I’ll turn you into a squirrel, I’m loaded with them since last year.

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