It was just during the research about how many people are married, don’t worry. Might wanna ask him about it though.
10/10 huge fan!
Rhomir’s 3 quick tips to greatness.
Step 1. Make a hunter
Step 2. Get a bear.
Step 3. Never fear of being judged again.
Me and Magnus hang out by the Loch, fish all day and spoon all night.
I say have Sex in front of her while snorting coke, preferably out of a dudes buttcrack. Then ask her if you looking at your Armory was really such a big deal.
Just tell her about all the leather clad women that invite you to their dungeons. And definetly don’t spare her any details about all those tentacles and how you were getting to the end so quick that you got a big fat chest in your face.
You can also tell her about all the pussies going wild and gathering the attention of everyone in the dungeon. Also mention how that one girl lay on hands on you, but make sure to tell her you were using protection, you’re a warrior after all.
Just cheat on her bruh, it’s not that deep.
Cheat on her, but in Goldshire!
You have my +1 trolling vote, buddy
Please tell me how to convert partner to gamer girl
Show her blood elves
Introduce her to the game in a fun manner. Like figure what she likes and what she could relate to.
Let’s say she’s into movies, WoW has some sick stories and cinematics she would enjoy.
If she’s into all pretty and glittery stuff you can show her that side of WoW. Elves, mounts, pets, you get it.
If she’s into helping people, a healer might interest her.
Just don’t make it forced. Wait for the right opportunity, when she’s in the mood and introduce the game to her.
If she doesn’t show any interest then leave her be.
I play WoW because a friend showed me the game. She was a blood elf mage at that time. I ended up as human pally and after a while I switched Horde and have been Horde since then.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I have tried to get het interest into the game for some time now and ofc do not force it onto her. She played it once as allience (worgen) for a few hours but got bored with it pretty fast. She’s just not the type for this game i guess. She likes Zelda Breath of the Wild, so fantasy fits her interest. Anyways thanks for the suggestions maybe she will show an interest some day
She somtimes sits on the couch behind me while reading etc. (in the “mancave”) While I am playing and sometimes looks up to see what is going on, on my screen.
Get richer
Isn’t this the same guy who was being attacked in his garden with poop last week?
Yeah the very same cat-packer who likes scarecrows.
edit: said in most kind way. This person is an artist!
He’s got some crappy fans, that’s for sure.
This is a bit low quality trolling…
but hey, its friday, so… okay
May advice: be honest yourself, you don’t value your realtionship, nor your significant other… and act accordingly
Ah, the age old conundrum of trying to convince your spouse you are having an affair with another woman, instead indulging in video games, cars, model trains or whatever floats your boat.
Well, my advice would be to head into the deepest darkest Goldshire, find someone called… say hotbabe and add him to bnet. Then discretely let your hot and steamy conversation be seen on your pc when you “visit the bathroom” while your spouse is near.
There, problem solved.
With such transomg, i believe you do that a lot man.