[A] Dying Like Dodos - recruiting raid dps and social members

Riddle: well, technically you can have someone else’s implanted to treat C. difficile colitis so it does go both ways xD

Daily bump of information

So another great day of recruitment as we added 3 unique personalities to the roster. As it currently stands, we are getting close to the soft cap of members which means we’ll be closing recruitment shortly in order to get to know each member.

Don’t panic though my future minions! We still have a few spots open and especially for those seeking a fun and calm raid team during the weekend evenings. This is your moment Tanks!! Stand up and announce yourself, be the meatsack that stands in front of us.

Penners daily riddle

First off, congratulations to the 2 players who guessed correct for yesterday’s riddle, you are both sicko’s for knowing the answer!

Here we go then…

What spends all the time on the floor but never gets dirty?

As always, if you know the answer and would like to chat about the guild then contact me.

Hey folks :slight_smile: As Ash has said above we will be closing recruitment soon to give everyone a chance to get to know each other, we do not plan on being a huge place that becomes just folk logging on and basically doing an lfr in a guild. We have a wonderful atmosphere atm with some lovely people joining and we want everyone to feel like they are part of “the gang” when they log on for the evening, not one of the outsiders. We are not lemmings and blindly follow each other off the bridge! (yes looking at you Krickett!)
If you like what you see above and either want to raid or just have a place to say hello and get that hello returned, like an active Discord server and feel like you came home when you log on give us a shout! Roles required only applies to raiding, any spec or class is welcome as social members :slight_smile:

I have no doubt Ash will be along with his daily riddle soon so i just wanted to get the “sensible” info out first :wink:

Its that time again folks…daily update of information

Another 2 players joined us last night and are fitting in well already, clearly a sign of how welcoming we are. Now as mentioned above by our lovely leader, we are edging very close to closing the guild to recruitment. Fear not though my future potential slaves…you have until Friday to sneak your way in and yes I am open to brides that involve female belfs dancing on a mailbox in a rather edgy outfit!

A list for our upcoming raid team will also be compiled ready for the meeting on Friday. Pssttt we still need ranged dps, melee also considered which leads me back to a previous statement…where the frick are the Warriors! You always complain about mobility but clearly you leap and charge so far that you are lost in the GM Island.

Penners daily riddle

Ok yesterday was disappointing as nobody guessed the correct answer. I did however get a few incorrect answers and you ppl should be ashamed of yourselves, clearly your minds are firmly in the gutter.

The answer was your shadow.

Todays riddle is:

What goes up and down but never moves?

Contact us if you would like to chat about the guild and bonus points for correct answers to the riddle

I tried to add you in game to discuss possibly joining on a new toon on this server but can’t seem to add you.

Hi Drorvon, what’s your bnet tag? I can add you instead :slight_smile:

Hi, my tag is SilentDragon#2335.

Hey again, i have sent a request to you now :slight_smile:

It’s a late daily bump of information!

Very sorry folks, I actually had a lot of real life stuff to sort out and only now can sit down to relax :tired_face: But don’t worry as I’m raring to go so let’s get this rather small party started!

Acquired a couple more members last night who even jumped right in and moved a character over to us…no pressure on us to deliver what we promise then!? Anywho, we are actually bursting at the seams in terms of filling the roster but I’m keeping our guild leader happy enough to allow us to continue recruitment until this Friday. We even bagged a Warrior, I mean they do actually exist…who knew :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We’re pretty much even split in terms of Melee and Ranged DPS so either will work should you wish to DPS. Tanks and Healers are on lockdown I’m afraid to say, I just hope they stay in my good books and heal me as a priority or I’ll have to adjust some guild ranks names in order to vent my anger!

Penners daily riddle

Yesterday’s was apparently too difficult, not like it had anything to do with me only getting crude and dirty answers…come on people, I can be normal sometimes you know.

Anyway the answer was “Stairs”

Today’s riddle is going to have to be a little dirty to keep you folks happy it seems, so dig deep in that dark and dirty pit you call a mind!

“You get a lot of it if you’re successful and important, you get less when you are just starting out. You sometimes do it with yourself if you need too, but it’s much better when it’s with other people.”

As always, contact myself (Ashalfa#2613) if you’d like to chat about the guild. Bonus points if you tell me the correct answer to today’s riddle.

He didnt give me mint chocolate so I need to say we have closed recruitment earlier than anticipated due to a larger response than expected. We now have a wonderful lot of new recruits and some joining tonight so we will spend the next week or so getting to know them and helping with the gearing/ levelling before opening the doors to anyone else. Anyone talking to us at this time will still be considered :slight_smile:

contemplates Ash’s riddle :crazy_face:

OMG…it’s been 6 days since we last spoke! Good news is that we’re open for recruitment once again :hugs:

Daily bump of information

Now that we’ve had time to get to know our members, especially what in game interest they have, we can add some more lovely peeps to the roster. Now social spots are always available unless we say otherwise, but for now we are seeking a couple of laid back damage dealers.

So if you are a fel leeching, fire throwing, crazy demon lover then we’d like to chat to you! As well as a tree hugging, sun stealing, moon touched shape shifter.

In other words:

A warlock
A Druid - Balance
We are also open to a DPS with a strong Tank offspec just incase we have a random night where our tanks are too broken.

Now I guess would be a good time for a riddle right!?

Penners daily riddle

It’s fun to do but you hate knowing that your parents do it too. What is it?

As always you can contact us on the real IDs linked in the OP.

Hi there,

As and when life has allowed, I’ve been scrolling through the forums looking for a guild that symbolises/sounds like exactly what I’m looking for.

I’ve been playing since Vanilla, when life was full of considerably more time than it is now… My days of trying to progress to the highest rank possible are long gone. Now, I’m much more of a weekend gamer, as and when life allows… So I play on a somewhat social basis.

For me, I miss the days of logging on, having people say hello to me in guild chat, and them having a genuine interest in me as part of their guild - Much like myself, to them. To say hello, and actually follow it up with a, “How are you? How’s life going?” etc… Life doesn’t allow for me to sit on discord with headphones in consistently, so having some green text pop on my bottom left side of the screen from time to time, is rather refreshing and something I miss about the game.

I’ll confess, I’ve long been a horde player at heart, but as my playing time has reduced, my specific allegiance has somewhat reduced.

I currently play a balance druid, as well as a relatively newly dinged prot warrior (Who was previously a main of mine)… Like others have done from reading the above posts, is there a position for me to join your ranks and start a fresh character upon your server to see how it serves me? Then make a decision about transfers from there?

Daily Riddle - Facebook, nothing worse than being tagged in a post by your parents…

Many thanks,


Hi Cocopops :slight_smile: You sound exactly the type of person who would fit in, how often you play is not as essential as how active you are in guild when online, no point in being in a social guild if you dont want to be social as one of my lovely team said to me! Add one of us on the bnet tags in the first post to have a chat! We do like to talk to folk first and don’t just invite willy nilly, no other way to find out if we will be the right home for you :slight_smile:

Good afternoon community! It’s time for the daily bump of information!

Plenty of activity going on during evenings which includes a small amount of lfr (Crazy choice tbh), some Normal/Heroics to help members gear up a little and obviously some Mythic+. Our 1st raid event is up for next Friday and we’re pretty damn excited about that! However its still a sad day :cry:

For some strange and bizarre reason, we cannot locate any Warriors. Now at 1st I thought that they perhaps misunderstood their Heroic Leap and ended up in an alternate universe (Yeah WoD, I’m looking at you!) but now we must also accept that there was a small chance our Warriors did infact Heroic Leap into Kings Landing and ended up as Dragon fire…

This is too much…my humor knows no bounds.

So we would very much like to hear from a not so stable sword swinging individual who may have forgot what class they were and likely thinks they are a Death Knight. Come on Warriors, show us you are still the best!

Penners daily riddle

Know idea why it’s called a daily riddle when I’m lucky if I remember to bump this daily…getting old sucks! Happy birthday to me today also! Yeah another year closer to ancient…just great :roll_eyes:

Yes the previous answer was infact Facebook, parents please stay away from social media…

Todays riddle is:

I can fly but have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?

Is it R Kelly?
Although I am not a warrior or have any chrs on your server, having just restarted. I would like to say your guild sounds ideal

Seriously though, it’s R Kelly init.

1 Like

I have been thinking on joining your guild ever since i saw your first post. Now you are looking for warriors and i have mained warrior for around 9 years. Maybe its my destiny to join. :thinking:


It’s not R Kelly :wink:

Feel free to give either Ash a shout or me or feel free to join our discord server noted in the first post :slight_smile:

Daily bump of information

Oh my word, what a few days it’s been. So many faces in the roster and quite a few braced and ready for our first raid this Friday. Strangely enough, we still lack one of those mythical warriors that people keep talking about, I honestly don’t know what they are talking about and theres more chance of Santa existing.

Now that does not mean that we don’t have space for other classes, we can make mostly anything work under the right circumstances. How about a retribution paladin or maybe a hunter!?

Anyway, we’re very much welcome to new players no matter what in game interests you may have. You’ll be part of a close knit group of players who believe in social interaction above anything else. We’ll do our very best to make sure you dont have to pug that mythic+ or that heroic that happens to drop a nice trinket for your class.

Penners daily riddle!

Today you shall get 2 riddles as a way of me apologising for forgetting to bump the post yesterday. The answer to the previous riddle was - A cloud.

Easy riddle:
What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Hard riddle:
A poor man is sitting in a pub. He sees that the man next to him is extremely rich.

Poor man: I have an amazing talent, I know almost every song that has ever existed.

The rich man laughs.

Poor man: I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a popular song that includes a lady’s name of your choosing.

The rich man laughs again.

Rich man: Ok, how about my daughters name, Joanna Armstrong-Miller?

The poor man goes home rich.

What song did he sing?

Daily bump of information ( not really daily though… )

Tonight is the guilds very 1st raid and we’ll be venturing into BoD normal to start, especially as we have a few members who are totally new to raiding. We will wipe and we will have some difficulty on bosses but we’ll have fun regardless. No rage, no complaints and only enjoyment with a relaxed atmosphere.

What we’d love to do is add a couple more faces to the raid roster, sadly a couple of our members have been hit by real life commitments which is absolutely fine but does force us into giving away their spots.

What we’d like is as follows:


If you have a healer offspec then that would be a big bonus.

Obviously we are open to other classes, but we encourage you to chat to us prior to moving a character if you prefer to avoid re-rolling.

Penners daily riddle!

The answer to the last riddles were,

Mushroom and happy birthday.

Todays riddle is right here:

What goes up and never comes down?

You even get an extra one today seeing as its Friday, this one will result in some extreme answers I’m sure…

What four letter word begins with “f” and ends with “k”, and if you can’t get one you can use your hands instead?

Recruitment needs updated, we would really appreciate a tank as the succubus isnt cutting it for some reason…