[A] Dying Like Dodos - recruiting raid dps and social members

Tank and healer spots now filled so no need to sacrifice the gnomes anymore! Still looking for a couple of dps to join our mental raid team!

Bump of information!

A few changes recently, some jumping to other classes or roles as well as some new faces joining the roster. Last Friday was a test run to see how we would gel together as a team and ultimately what we lack in order to push through the raid content.

So as it stands we would be happy to add more dps to the team

Hunter is on high priority
Boomkin and Feral
Demon Hunter

We are always open to socials who just want to log in for a friendly banter or a mythic+, any roles or class is welcome.

Penners riddle!

Last 2 answers are AGE and FORK

Today’s is:

This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call. What is it?

Hey everyone :slight_smile: Had awesome fun in our raid tonight, lots of laughing and boss killing! 6 bosses in 2.5 hours for a mixed team of experienced and brand new folk makes me so proud to be the GM of this guild, I love them all <3
We would still like to welcome more into our mad house though! We are a little heavy on the caster side so any melee folks out there that have been thinking of joining, give us a shout! Could be our laid back fun loving guild is what you are looking for :slight_smile:

Bump of information!

Another great few days of guild activity where we have welcomed several new members, ran some higher keys in Mythic+ and bagged ourself 6 bosses in ur 1st official guild raid! Not too shabby I must say :wink:

So with all that happening we must now prepare to close the doors once again, we will take some time to get to know the newer members and focus on guild events. However the doors do not close until Wednesday so there is still some time to sneak in. Socials as always are free to join and play whatever they feel like but for raiders we would appreciate the following:

  • Melee - any class

  • Dps with a strong Heal and Tank offspec for weekly mythic+ etc, this is to allow our main Tank/Healers to have some time to themselves when not raiding.

We encourage anyone who has been following our post but hesitant to make the jump, to go ahead and contact us for a chat before it is too late.

Penners Riddle

The answer for the previous riddle was WATERFALL

  1. What gets broken without being held?

  2. The more there is the less you see

Bump of information

What a cracking 2 days it has been! A couple more players joined the roster, some Mythic keys have been done with a +7 being the highest so far and a healthy signup for the raid on Friday where we aim to clear normal and move onto Heroic difficulty.

It’s just awesome how friendly members are here, every person is being involved either by grouping up or simply chatting in game and through our Discord. Like I mentioned in the last reply, we are closing recruitment tomorrow to allow recent members to settle in. I will definitely try and squeeze in as many of you potential members as possible providing we have a like-minded view towards the game and guild, even if our GM tells me no more (She’s so funny when angry)!

Still open to the above roles/classes and an viable offspec is absolutely encouraged so that we always have groups outside of raid nights.

Penner’s riddle

Previous answers were - A PROMISE and DARKNESS.

Today’s riddle;

I have an eye but am blind, a sea, but no water; a bee, but no honey; Tea but no coffee; and a why, but no answer. What am I?

Good luck folks.


Bump of information!

We are once again open to recruitment for our raid team! Woohoo! Currently tackling Jaina normal on Saturday due to a couple of real life issues that affects our Friday raid.

Ideally we would love some extra dps, Melee this is a shout out to you mostly. The player (you) must engage in guild activity and not just the raids, we are a team afterall, I mention this as we had a couple members who never got involved outside of the raids so it felt like it was pointless them being here, this is a social guild afterall right!?

We are also seeking a replacement tank for the raid team, one who can attend each raid.

We absolutely won’t turn down anyone who can offspec Tank or Heal so we always have a viable group to run Mythic+ and such.

Penners riddle!

8 Days later and here is the answer to the previous riddle - THE ALPHABET.


I always run but never walk, Have a mouth but never talk. What am I?

What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

I have no voice and yet I speak to you, I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree, I have pages, but I am not a bride or royalty. I have a spine and hinges, but I am not a man or a door, I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. What am I?

Whoa…3 riddles today! Best get them brain cells going people.

Contact myself or Alegre if you’d like to chat about the guild. I am online today.

Recruitment needs updated :slight_smile: Looking for a tank to help us clear this tier and go through the next one with us. Must be social and able to join in guild activities during the week a least 2 days not including raids.

Bump of information

8.2 looks frickin’ exciting! We’re looking forward to all of the new content as a guild especially the dungeon/raid stuff, we are allowing members the chance to re-roll to another class seeing as the gearing up will be fairly quick ( Yeah Benthic gear you naughty little thing!)

So what we as a raid team are currently in need of is DPS and a Tank, preferably capable of attending every Friday raid.

We would love some new faces in the roster, kudos if you also support Liverpool as I am flying solo right now…#feelsbadman.

As always just simply add one of us for a friendly grown up chat, please remember that we are not looking to steamroll through the raids. It’s a relaxed run where players with crazy job hours or kids have a chance to unwind after a long week.

Still looking for a tank to join our raid team! We will be looking to progress through the new raid very soon after it releases so being close to 400ilvl is a plus.

Bump of Information

1 week into 8.2 and we are slogging through the 2 new zones in order to gain a little more ilvl ready for Eternal Palace, something we are all very keen to do as a guild. This will be the 1st tier that we will start from scratch since moving servers so that will be pretty exciting.

We would love the following classes to join us in our crazy adventure into the Naga homeland:

  • Tank - any class is fine (We would hope you can commit to every Friday raid and a couple non raid nights so that we can run 2 groups of Mythic+)

  • Melee - Monk, DH, Survival Hunter and Enhance Shammy

  • Ranged - Boomkin, Warlock and Hunter

Socials are always welcome as we have quite a few already who jump on each day to do random content, you are free to play whatever you wish and are welcome to join us in any non raid events.

Ideally we would love to hit Eternal Palace next Friday but this all depends on recruiting a 2nd Tank, could this be you!?

As always, contact either myself Ashalfa#2613 or our GM Afaira#2460

Recruitment needs updated! Have you always wanted to try raid tanking but were afraid to ask? Or perhaps your skill set leans more to healing the tanks and dodos that stand in too much green/ red/ purple/ whattheheckwasthat?? stuff on the floor?
Whichever way you swing give us a shout, could be our friendly guild is what you need in game!

As always social members of any class/ spec are welcome!

Hi peoples! DLD is looking for a raid healer to join our team, we have started in Eternal Palace and had a great time (we didnt even die that much). If focused fun raiding is what you are looking for then give us a shout, guild is active all week with the odd quiet evening now and then.
We try to get several runs through mythic+ each week and the odd guild activity for mog runs etc

If playing with old farts that cant hear on disco, dont know their left from their right, frequently have mid (real) life crisis but still manage to pixelate those bosses sounds a bit close to home then give me a shout on Afaira#2460 for a chat :slight_smile:

Hey community!

We are in need of a few more faces to jump into the raid team in order for us to progress further. Below is what we’d ideally like but all classes and roles can be considered;

  • Raid healer - We currently have a Holy Priest and Resto Druid.

  • Melee DPS - Warrior, DH, DK, Monk and Retribution.

  • Ranged DPS - Warlock, Elemental, Boomkin and Hunter.

We’d love to hear from anyone seeking to join immediately or start fresh and gradually level/gear up with a view to raid in the future.

As always you can contact us on the battlenet tags linked in the OP. Alternatively, you can jump on our discord and ask for an Officer, one of us is nearly always on Discord.

We have now implemented a 2nd raid day (Saturday) to progress a bit quicker and enable folk that were not able to join us on Friday to do so. Raid times will remain 2030-2300 but we do expect people to come prepared and be patient while we learn new bosses as a team :slight_smile: If the info in the original post sounds like something you could feel at home with then give one of us a shout either on bnet, ingame or on disco for a friendly chat :slight_smile:

Some lovely folk have joined us the last couple of days and I am happy to say we have filled the tank/ healer raid spots. We would be delighted if a couple more DPS would like to join our friendly community though so if what you see in the orignial post sounds good throw us a shout on bnet or Discord :slight_smile:

Here we are again in a new reset with high hopes of going further into Eternal Palace, so we would absolutely love to add a few more faces to the roster.

This is what we would like but any class will do:

Dps - Monk, Hunter, Warlock, Balance and Shadow Priest.

We raid Fridays and Saturdays 20:30-23:00 server time.

Outside of raids we love to do other activities such as mythic+ and transmog runs, a couple of us have even started doing daily PvP ( I only had a 9 year break…:joy: ).

So if you would like a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for all players and skill levels then we could be the home for you! Add us for a chat,what have you got to lose :grin:

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Sanity Ash, sanity… I mean look at your toon, its pretending to be horde…

Still open for friendly folk to join us for social stuff and raids!

We have had a good couple of weeks raiding now, 2nd night raiding going well and we are about to start with HC raiding, all the usual mythic+, normal instances and even some pvp thrown in as well :slight_smile:
Stress free raiding, mature social members and a dark dungeon awaits those who would like to join!

Still open for new people with real lives to bolster our raid team!
With Classic right around the corner we plan to have a community there too but the main focus will be on retail :slight_smile:

When are the raidingdays?