[A-EbonRP] Knights of the Ebon Blade :Skull: Ebon Blade Community

Keep your damn women in leash!

No! They do nothing wrong 8(

Cease derailing of this poor man’s thread.


I tried to apply to that wonderful community that links “Knights of the Ebon Blade is a Community created to unify roleplayers who actively roleplaying as a member of the Ebon Blade faction.”

To my surprise, I was declined from it.
I must admit i’m confused. I thought it was a community for all Ebons ?
Have I been lied to ?
Are not all Ebons welcomed into that community ? Perhaps you should rebrand then.

It does sound quite nepotic if you decide to filter people in and out depending on your own friendships if you’re trying to be all inclusive ?..
As a leader, don’t you have the maturity to distinguish between Baer/Angelus as persons and Baer/Angelus as members of the Ebon Blade ?..

If you indeed intend on filtering, perhaps you should call it a guild, not a community for all players. It was an occasion to prove you were a mature individual, move on and work for the prosperity of the Ebon Blade, and I suppose you failed the test.


Now you realized all that? I’ve been :poop: at him for ages about this. Stop ignoring my posts, Baer! :stuck_out_tongue:

First of all, I have roleplayed like twice with you, I do not even know your character so this have nothing to do with either of our characters.

Second you wish to talk about maturity?

You and the rest of the Ebon Onslaught was temporary removed due to harassing behaviour so do not come here and try to put the blame on me I allowed you guys to remain here even after your friends kept on with rather toxic and RP ruining behaviour.

In the end you and the rest of your guild made people in the community feel uncomfortable on a OOC level and that is why you were first removed, and later declined.

So I recommend instead of sitting here and blaming me over something your guild have created that you look back on the reasonings behind the actions and try to improve instead?

You are all welcome back when your guys stop being toxic, feel free to poke me then.

Thank you.

Can you back it up, please ?
But if you see constructive criticism with arguments as toxicity, then perhaps indeed we have nothing to do together.

Have a nice day xoxo


Where as you can include and exclude people from the community that, once again, you’ve created, Angelus - you most certainly cannot call it an open community because you simply reject other roleplayers based on their guild tag.

Perhaps it is time to stop shooting yourself in the foot?


Did we hurt your feelings or those of Engelus or Anthorian?


Citation needed?


Thats some pretty serious allegations; and I would love to have some sort of proof on that.

I mean, I do not see them do anything wrong in our out of game as of now. And everyone is welcome to RP with them as a DK, and even join them. Without being auto-denied due to their guildtag?

So basicly you’re blaming everyone for their guildtag?

No problem!


Hey Angelus. The next time your character takes one of his mortal gfs on a tour of Acherus for chad points, can I tag along?



Guys please, this is a guild recruitment thread.

If you have issues with Angelus or any of our members feel free to pm us ingame.

Thank You.


Bear offered a good question about angelus “Open Ebon Discord”, then got rejected. Which just proves Angelus did not really mean “Open” Ebon Discord, but closed, for likeminded individuals?

And as that topic was vouched by Angelus in this thread; its a fair question and discussion to be had in this thread to?


This tends to be how the majority of community discords work, yes.

You might want to tell your deadman Angelus to stop using your guild’s recruitment thread as a medium to express his ‘different perspective’ on just about everything.


Can I take my :shield: Gabrielleℱ for a trip there too? I’ve heard their decour is ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS. And you know, She likes edge.

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So, when is the next Call of the Ebon Blade gathering? Asking early on just in case you “forget” to properly announce it again like last time.

Can’t we all just be friends? I have friends in both the Ebonsworn and Onslaught and don’t wanna see a fight break out :sob: