[A-EbonRP] Knights of the Ebon Blade :Skull: Ebon Blade Community

To chip in on this thing.
My experience with the Ebon Onslaught is that they have been very much able to give constructive and fair criticism.

So i do recommend that you go and have a look back on any criticism they have given. There is probably a good reason they given it in the first place.


Can I join this community with my upcoming Pandaren DK?

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Depends on your guild tag friendo


Oh, alright! I’ll get around that once the time is correct.

Edit: Will there be an event welcoming these new additions to the big death knight family? that’d be something to work on :slight_smile:

You monster… :nauseated_face:


Worse than monster… :nauseated_face:

The Ebonsworn got two new Trial Officers to help out with some of the OOC burden and slowly to take in some IC responsibilities as well with time so welcome to both Nîghtstar and Tatianaa to the Officer Team.

We are still going on strong with plenty of active roleplayers and roleplay going daily and more events are getting organized now with ‘‘Darkness of Deadwind Pass’’ going to happen on Wednesday and additional two more events already planned coming the weeks following.

This weekend we both held a small Training Session but also ran into some trouble with Hand of Zul outside Zul’Gurub!

Training Session:

Fighting the Hand of Zul:

Here are some thoughts from Nightstar.

We are now looking towards 8.3 both when it comes to fighting N’zoth, exploring Uldum & Vale of Eternal Blossoms but also looking forward to welcome our new Allied Races Death Knights!

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Yesterday we hosted part one of a small chain of events regarding the Dark Riders of Karazhan and some artifacts and tomes hidden within their darkened crypt!

Yesterday we first vanquished the ghostly Dark Riders that have harassed the roads pasts days and then a random yeti appeared and… It got messy.

With the Dark Riders gone we discovered a notebook within their possession that hold information of recently obtained artifacts and tomes.

So now tomorrow night at 20.00 we will be sending a small group to venture into the crypt to try to ‘‘recover’’ these artifacts to the possession of the Ebon Blade and cooperation with Kingdom of Stormwind.

Here is some screenshots from lastnights event with some minor descriptions of what happened.


And most of the events hosted are open towards the community, not limited to the guild so do not hesitate to join in on some of the fun.

And as always our doors are still open towards both old and new Death Knights roleplayers so poke us in-game!


The Ebonsworn have sent out a Call to Arms to both Acherus: The Ebon Hold and Stormwind City in attempt to get more members of the order to aid us.

You can both aid us as a fellow Knight of the Ebon Blade or you can join the Ebonsworn unit and become a active member of the unit.

So do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested.

The Event List been updated due to minor changes and added our visit to the Midnight Faire to the list as well.


Tonight we will finish what we started this Wednesdays event by heading to the Crypt of Karazhan to obtain the artifacts and tomes which the ghostly dark riders have collected the past weeks.

This wednesday I hosted the event ‘‘Darkness of Deadwind Pass’’ which later late to lastnight’s event ‘‘Chamber of Secrets’’.


It was a lovely small unplanned event that I felt like was a good idea after the planned event we held earlier to continue on the story after defeating the ghostly dark riders.

It was also nice to have some non-guild members to join in as well which we always welcome to the majority of our events so do not hesitate to poke us for information regarding coming events.

I currently got additional four events in planning phase the coming weeks we are trying to get some nice non-void related stories out of the way before 8.3 hitting the servers since then we will be focusing few months on fighting the forces of N’zoth.

Ravager Nightbane also planning to host a event himself which I look forward to see the end results of it.

This week it will be a bit calm as few of the members are currently leveling up few alts, and some are leveling up their Death Knigths to be able to take part in higher level zones.

There will be a small event now on sunday that I will post more details on tomorrow so while we got nothing ‘‘organized’’ until sunday we are still active in-game every single day so do not hesitate to approach us.

While RP seem to drop slowly across Argent Dawn now that we reach the month of December I must say I am proud that we manage to keep a active group roleplaying every single day!

The Ebonsworn is now turning their gaze towards the Eastern Plaguelands with the Sylvanas Loyalists claming Ebon ground, we cannot sit idle and wait for others as we deem action should be taken rather quickly.

So with our arrival in the Plaguelands tonight we will be scouring the northern region of Eastern Kingdoms to look after potential allies and in the meanwhile continue our recruitment within the Ebon Blade.

Overall december month will be slightly lower of events with taking some focus on our planning on 8.3 that will arrive somewhere in january with the introduction of allies Death Knights that will be something that will be very interesting to roleplay out.

We are also looking into making some adjustments to the guild and community as whole to get better structure up and running.

We are also looking to slowly recruit a officer who leads our non-DK section.

So all in all… For the Ebon Blade!

Going to add shortly our last event that took place yesterday in Duskwood where we put down void infested Worgen that were threatening the balance in the region.

This Wednesday the guild held a OOC Meeting to discuss some things we wish to see changed or improved now before 8.3 hit the retail servers and currently we are working on building up the structure with adding a new rank, changing a little bit the recruitment process and the list goes on.

I must say that I am very glad to have so many dedicated members to join these OOC Meetings and add their opinions and thoughts on how to improve different aspects of the guild so will be interesting to see how it all ends up once we are done.

We will soon be having a small break between Christmas and New Year that means we will hold no ‘‘Large’’ events but there will still be minor events and random roleplay during the small break period.

I am very glad that the guild do manage to keep the roleplay active that we are almost online and roleplaying every single night so that will continue.

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