[A] [ENG] <Wicked Demise> M+ Guild + More!

We are a English speaking guild looking to group up players that enjoy M+ and more! If you are looking for a guild on Alliance side that actually speaks english no fear we are here! (That rhymes) Feel free to message me or contact me ingame! Lets get it sorted and hangout together!

We also accept socials and more! During these hard times lets group up and distract ourselves from the stuff that is going on IRL!

Send me a msg ingame or apply in the guild finder just look for:
Wicked Demise

We are here for you :smiley:

Currently we are more into doing dungeons and being social in discord, but we are also looking to raid whenever we have enough active people on Al’akir / Xavius / Skullcrusher.

Our guild revolves around hanging out with chill but experienced players (think of players that started playing back in Vanilla in 2004) and generally just having fun, we really choose Fun over tryharding of any kind and we do not tolerate and toxic shizzle.

Wanna come hangout let me know by either messaging me at the following socials:

  • Battle.net: Frost#28365
  • Discord: Frostaphim

Or join our Discord and shoot me a message there: discord.gg/wickeddemise

If you are interested in what progress we used to have when we were actually active back in the day here it is:

Mists of Pandaria
SoO - 14/14 HC (curve)
SoO - 14/14 HC (curve) (25man)

Warlords of Dreanor
Highmaul - 7/7 HC (curve)
HFC - 13/13 HC (curve)

Emerald Nightmare - 7/7 HC (curve)
Trial of Valor - 3/3 HC (curve)
Nighthold - 10/10 HC (curve)
Tomb of Sargeras - 3/9 HC

Besides we are pretty laid back and like to have fun and will always choose fun over progress!

You can also hop into our discord and chat with us!

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